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  1. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    Joe, that's not an inwall tank LOL ... I still think that you would still get the bowing, not in the tank itself with the braces but the acrylic itself would bow or, perhaps better put, bulge from the water pressure. That's just my opinion and maybe someone else has personal experience that...
  2. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    Nope, sorry, even if you go down to 72" you'd still have to go half inch, just too much bowing otherwise :( I'm pretty sure you'll find that glass will be less expensive than acrylic. Here's my tank before it was "finished" but almost done LOL I'm in the process of getting better pictures of the...
  3. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    LOL I'm so sorry, I can't believe I missed the dimensions in your post (or were they edited later?) anyway ... I'm certainly not trying to discourage you from building your own tank and I hope I didn't give you that impression. I really loved building mine and can't wait to get something live in...
  4. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    Joe, how tall is the tank?
  5. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    ^bump Never really got an answer LOL Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    Some other notes after re-reading your post ... 1) the acrylic will probably cost more than 150 bucks 2) the epoxy paint for the ******** will cost about 50 bucks if you can find it locally otherwise add about $30 for shipping (HAZMAT) 3) it's great fun, just finished my 220 Hope this helps, Paul
  7. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    (Length inches x Width inches x Height inches ) / 231 = gallons I couldn't understand your pictures but there's the formula for converting cubic inches to gallons. Hope this helps, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    gfci issues

    My vote's going to go on the A/C unit. Good luck, Paul
  9. melbournefl

    *Help* I am just getting started and I think I am getting led in the wrong direction.

    Heck I live in Florida and even I have 750 watts of heaters in my new tank, the temp here doesn't come close to yours. As far as the heater "sticking" and frying the fish ... that's the reason almost everyone agrees to go with multiple heaters instead of one big one. If one heater "sticks" you...
  10. melbournefl

    yardright tropical play sand

    Thanks Osolow, yes I know the site is down right now. My host raised their prices and I had to change, just haven't had the time to move everything back online. Later, Paul
  11. melbournefl

    RO Filters

    Hmmm I got my unit at Home Depot and love it. I've tested every parameter possible and all readings are zero so I don't know how much better it could be. Just my .02 as usual, Paul
  12. melbournefl

    RO Filters

    No difference except the price ... the main consideration is do you want an RO unit only or an RO/DI unit, this choice would be based on the quality of your water to begin with. The only other consideration is how much water per day do you want to produce and this would be based on you use for...
  13. melbournefl


    Hey wamp, got any openings in Melbourne FL? :D I even know POS vs PO$ Later, Paul (
  14. melbournefl

    yet another cycle question

    LOL fshhub yeah reckon so! poor mrs broomer only sees him when the fish are asleep anyway, I heard she was changing the lighting cycle on the tank :eek: and there is something *REALLY* scary about broomer as the "playshark centerfold" I might add! Later, Paul
  15. melbournefl

    Will copper meds kill the bacteria in LR

    Yes it can be, that's the main reason for the long time in QT :( to allow all the ugly things that may be included with our fish time to manifest themselves. You're kinda in a jam here it sounds like so maybe this would work (remember, I'm a newbie here too but I do read alot LOL) ... go ahead...
  16. melbournefl

    Will copper meds kill the bacteria in LR

    Ummmm well I think you're probably going to have to get another 10 gallon there slick. From what I've read the fish should be QT'd at least 3 weeks :( As far as the live rock, it might help but I'm afraid it would only be for a day or so at best if you have copper in the tank. BTW, why do you...
  17. melbournefl

    yardright tropical play sand

    Because, I think it's Coral Seas, has an exclusive agreement with Southdown/Tropical to market their sand for aquariums :D Later, Paul
  18. melbournefl

    Will copper meds kill the bacteria in LR

    I'm sorry I still disagree. The following is quoted without permission from a FAQ moderated by Albert Theil ... HTH --- QUESTION --- I have an ick problem, I have been dosing with copper for 18 days now and I tested my water high ammonia high nitrates high nitrites and low pH of course killing...
  19. melbournefl

    RO units?

    Travis, I don't have any links but I can tell you that RO or RO/DI units purify the water to near lab quality. They run anywhere from 150 to 250 bucks for an average size unit for hobby use. They produce from 30 to 150 gallons a day in that price range. While not absolutely necessary, they can...
  20. melbournefl

    water chemistry....

    Hmmmm actually I'm more interested in what was done to lower the nitrites to a negative level :rolleyes: Later, Paul