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  1. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    this is the "into aquarium" manifold, actually manifold is the wrong word here, they are 4 1" bulkheads
  2. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    hello all, just wanted to share some pics of what I've done in the way of closed loop circulation. This is a pic of the "from aquarium" manifold before installation, the pipes to the valves are 1.5" and the ball valves are 1"
  3. melbournefl

    Broomer... RE: closed loop head pressure

    Hey guy, happy holidays. I did more research and found out I was right, there is effectively no head (vertical lift) when using a pump in the closed loop environment, no matter how far below the tank the pump is. The "siphon pressure" offsets the "lift pressure" net = zero :-) cool huh? Now I...
  4. melbournefl

    Cloudy Water???

    ??? You added this product "cycle" to an established tank ??? Why? It sounds like, yes you have started a new, higher bio-load, cycle. If you had a "dead critter" in the tank then it could indeed start a peak and cycle again but by adding the product "cycle" you compounded the problem. I think...
  5. melbournefl

    Wiring inside canopy??

    here's a pic of the back of my canopy, as you can see, I mounted the ballasts on the outside to help avoid heat buildup. Hope this give you a place to start, far from perfect but works for me LOL Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    Well I went over and met with her last night and much to my delight, she agreed to keep the tank a while longer, at least until mine cycles. I hadn't taken my test equipment so I couldn't check her water but I'm going over this evening to see where we stand. The tank doesn't look to good but the...
  7. melbournefl

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    well all, I'm off to begin the move (all prayer's are appreciated) thanks again for the input and if anyone has any suggestions to add please do! I'll check the board before I do anything on my return in a couple of hours. Wish me luck, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    Thanks all ! Von, I've got your phone number and don't be surprised if you get a call from "paul." I'm planning on testing the water and doing the change over a couple of hours (drip method) I'm just scared to death that the water they are in is deadly right now so I don't want to let it drag on...
  9. melbournefl

    EMERGENCY need suggestions

    Hello all, I'm in the 3rd day of cycling my tank and I just got a phone call from an old friend of my wife's. Her husband took off and left an established tank at her house and she want's it out TONIGHT, no if's and's or but's. The tank has been basically ignored totally for the last 5 weeks and...
  10. melbournefl

    Kent's Deion 200R

    Matt, I'm not going to go into great detail cuz it's Christmas and the family is mad enough about me sitting in front of the computer as it is ... all the DI unit's I've heard of are "rechargable" but ... the process can be kinda' tricky and dangerous. Somewhere on the board here a gentleman...
  11. melbournefl

    copper pipes

    LOL okay not WAY over but at least equal to Later, Paul
  12. melbournefl

    copper pipes

    Hey there Osolow! I'm playing devils advocate here so don't get mad but ... in the plans that you posted the link to did you notice the "brains" an Octopus 3000 controller, there's another $350-$750 depending on options .... ummmmm that with the other costs, suddenly we're WAY over the cost of...
  13. melbournefl

    Any suggestions???

    Kym, what's your lighting? also, did the places that did your testing test specifically for silicates and phosphates? Later, Paul
  14. melbournefl

    size of my next

    Just finished my 220 and if I were to build another it would certainly be a little lower (20 vs 32) I'm having a heck of a time getting to the bottom of the tank and lighting is much more expensive. Just my .02 (and probably worth even less), Paul
  15. melbournefl

    Harvesting live Rock and sand?????

    Red you could very well be correct about international laws. For some reason I had 200 miles stuck in my head. The point remains the same, collecting in US waters is now illegal and I'd hate to be the one to have to prove to the Coast Guard that the corals onboard were collected outside that...
  16. melbournefl

    copper pipes

    Before spending the time and money do a search of the net about homemade chillers. There are a couple of very good "scientific" (college student projects) articles about using the "dorm style" fridge as a tank cooler. Bottom line is that it won't work. For basically two reasons 1) not enough...
  17. melbournefl

    question about sump water level

    One of the nice things about having a sump is that all evaporation shows up there. By that I mean, the water level in the display tank remains constant but the water level in the sump will go down with the evaporation. HTH Later, Paul
  18. melbournefl

    Harvesting live Rock and sand?????

    Actually removing anything in the way of coral or rock from the reefs within 200 miles of the coast is illegal since 1997. If you find things like xmas tree worms or feather dusters attached to an oyster shell you can collect it legally but if it's attached to rock or coral (dead or alive) it's...
  19. melbournefl

    Has Anyone Gotten Their Rodi At Home Depot Or Lowes

    I got mine from Home Depot, does about 35 gallons a day and I'm very happy with it. Paid about 160 for it. Later, Paul
  20. melbournefl

    Plans for a large DIY fishtank

    Bronco, I laid down several 3/4" beads of silicon (8 tubes) and set the glass in place. That being said, if I decide to do this again I would "trowel" the silicon using a trowel made for laying tile morter. I'd still use the massive amount of silicon but I'd spread it out better. After I did...