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  1. melbournefl

    Tank Cycle

    hmmmm okay now you've gotten me a bit worried, my water tests at 0 phosphates and, as I mentioned, it's covered with the diatoms. :eek: Later, Paul
  2. melbournefl

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    LOL Fish, I live in Florida too, I know what you mean but then again, I did say my *dream* house and if I could afford my dream house I'd budget an inline cooler for the tanks in there LOL Good luck talking your wife into the concept of a washing machine/isolation tank! :D Have fun, Paul
  3. melbournefl

    Head Pressure and Pump Location

    Hmmm actually the way I interpreted the information I found on-line was that as long as the inlet and outlet were at the same depth on the tank the pump would indeed achieve "zero" head pressure, even if below the tank. But you are very right regarding the friction and the resulting head...
  4. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    Martin, the barbs on the closed loop are all 3/4 going to clear pvc flex pipe. The return from the sump is a 1" flexible clear flex that you can find at almost any hardware store. The clear flex pvc is hard to find and the *only* barb fittings I found that would work are available online. If...
  5. melbournefl

    what kind of paint for in-tank PVC?

    I have most of the exposed plumbing in my tank painted for the same reason. The problem is that the *only* paint that is safe for in the aquarium is a 2 part epoxy that is NSF-61 certified for potable water. Unfortunately, you can only buy this paint in minumum of 1 gallon quantities. I paid...
  6. melbournefl

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    Oh what a lucky person you are! I'd love to be able to design my dream house around a huge reef tank. If you're still at this stage, is it possible to not only put your RO in the garage but all the other "accessories" as well? Plumb you sump out there and do a closed loop circulation system with...
  7. melbournefl

    akk leaky tank rim

    I don't think the acrylic shavings will hurt anything in the tank if you just want to cut it. just my .02, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    anyone have any pics of what a sump looks like?

    awwwwww :o thanks guys but I couldn't have done any of the stuff on the tank without the help of the guys and gals here on the boards, fortunately I got to learn by looking and listening to them. And even with all that help I still have things I wish I'd done differently. Thanks again, Paul
  9. melbournefl

    Tank Cycle

    Normal part of cycling don't worry about it at this point. I have it *covering* my whole tank right now and, although it looks kinda' gross, let's me know something's happening :D Later, Paul
  10. melbournefl

    anyone have any pics of what a sump looks like?

    well I think you're going to find that everyone's sump looks a little different (some a lot different LOL) but, for what it's worth, here's mine. Later, Paul
  11. melbournefl

    " Distilled water " Is that good for top off / water change

    Don, Distilled water is basically water that is boiled and the steam is collected, condensed, bottled and sold. RO water is Reverse Osmosis, that is, it's water under pressure forced through a VERY fine membrane removing almost all impurities. DI water is De-Ionized water which is chemically...
  12. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    Mac, if I were to do it again I'd probably go with 2 mag-18's. I thought I was buying myself some backup by going with 4 mag-7's but once I got them and saw how much room they took I regretted my decision. The thing is, because I've got it set up with the incoming 1" ball valves I'm not sure I...
  13. melbournefl


    Just got done correcting the same problem in my tank. In my case it turned out to be itty-bitty leaks in the lines feeding my return pump (also external), I took the whole thing apart, resealed all fittings, let dry extra long time and presto no leaks :D hence no aggravating little tiny bubbles...
  14. melbournefl

    need help with lighting system

    General rule of thumb is 4-7 watts per gallon so your tank would be 300 to 525 watts. You have about 40 watts over it now. Just to add insult to injury, anenomes require the high end of that lighting range. Unfortunately there is no "cheap" way to get there but I'd suggest you looking at a DIY...
  15. melbournefl

    House Flooded!!

    Is this room of your house on concrete or wood? Thinking of options, Paul
  16. melbournefl

    House Flooded!!

    What the heck, if insurance is paying for it, have your trusted LFS person do the physical labor and you stand there and stare at him as he works :D Just my .02 of course but I'm *really* lazy about that kind of stuff, Later, Paul
  17. melbournefl

    tetra thermometer?

    The stick on the outside thermometerd are notoriously inacurate, pick up a small floating one from your LFS. Just my .02 of course, Paul
  18. melbournefl

    Broomer... RE: closed loop head pressure

    too cool broomer, you may be on the way to creating the first perpetual motion machine YOU'LL MAKE MILLIONS :D but ... if you're thinking what I think you're thinking I'm afraid it won't work. No matter what level you move the I/O points, the best you can hope for is balanced pressure. Oh I...
  19. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    another shot of 2 pumps installed ... I'll leave it at that for now unless someone has any specific questions LOL like I know what the heck I'm doing :eek: Later, Paul
  20. melbournefl

    Closed Loop Circulation Revisited

    here's a view with 2 of the return pumps