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  1. sal713

    PH Drop...can someone help? Bang?

    sounds like I opened up a can of worms... I tried the test, no change. I ran an air stone all day today and no change..just tested it and its at 7.7 (10:30pm) Also tried 2 different test kits and they are the same. Any other tests I can do to figure this out?
  2. sal713

    PH Drop...can someone help? Bang?

    40G, w/d, pumps about 500G an hr, 3 small fish, a bunch of crabs & snails, about 30 lbs of live rock, small corals, top, just the 130w pc unit.... this build up of co2..would this inhibit the growth of coralline algae? With calcium at 500 I would think it would be growing pretty...
  3. sal713

    PH Drop...can someone help? Bang?

    ph morning is about 7.7 ph at night maybe 8 8 dkh I just cant seem to get the ph over the 8 mark The superbuffer brought up the alk to 11 and the ph to 8 but thats about it.... Do I have to take out 5 gal? I cant just take out a quart or something?
  4. sal713

    PH Drop...can someone help? Bang?

    Am..0 No2..0 No3..0 Po4..0 Ca..500 Ph..7.7 KH..8dH I can not seem to get and keep my Ph between the normal range. (8-8.3?) Numerous water changes didnt help. I do 5 gal a week (tank is 40). Tried using Superbuffer but that seems like a temporary fix. I really dont want to start adding a bunch of...
  5. sal713

    40G Tank Pics???

    here you go
  6. sal713

    Algae help please

    To start with: 40 gal tank, 55w pc light, 175w MH, wet dry, 80deg, all other numbers are right on the money. I have been getting alot of green algae on the glass. I have to clean it every day(I dont know if this is normal). So I cut down on the lighting which helps but now I seem to be getting a...
  7. sal713

    Metal Halides on ebay any users of these lights?

    I got the exact item except I ordered a 175W. So far, so good. I had a problem with shipping but they worked it out.
  8. sal713

    Your opinion on this skimmer

    anyone have any feedback on the Won Brother Clean-Up skimmer?
  9. sal713


    got it..Thanks
  10. sal713


    I recently (about a month ago) switch over to a wet/dry. I now have this big black box in the tank. Is this called a skimmer box? Do I really need this? Its only a 40G tank and it takes up alot of room. Can I just have the tube going from the tank to the pre-filter?
  11. sal713

    for sale 75 and extras

    sounds like a good deal. surprised people arent jumping on it!
  12. sal713

    Need to sell some stuff cheap.

    I would like the skimmer. Zip is 34609 Please email me. Sal
  13. sal713

    Anemonie I.D.

    LFS had a bunch of different anemonies for 6.99 Anyone know what kind this is? Good..Bad?
  14. sal713

    Pipe Organ Coral Help

    I know that about bristle worms but another sight said do not put them in a tank that has bristle worms. I tried it anyway..(couldnt wait for an answer) A few baby bristles came out but not the bigger one I saw.
  15. sal713

    Lots Of Stuff

    can I use paypal?
  16. sal713

    Lots Of Stuff

    if no one already got it... 1- kh/alk profi test kit 80-175 tests left SALIFERT 1- new calcium test kit and a used calcium test kit (15-20 tests left) 1- mag 9.5b pump 2- aquaclear powerhead 301 1- maxijet mp900 230 usgph 1- refractometer with ATC to zip 34609
  17. sal713

    Pipe Organ Coral Help

    Kip? Bang?
  18. sal713

    prizm skimmer for sale

  19. sal713

    Pipe Organ Coral Help

    I know its a hard coral to keep..of course it seems like its slowly dwindling away. I just read that you shouldnt keep this coral if you have bristle worms in the tank, they may attack it. Yesterday I did notice a baby bristle worms going in and out of one of the empty tubes. Will a hypo dip...
  20. sal713

    My toilet wet/dry

    I got a wet/dry about a month ago and I have tweaked and tweaked but I can not get it to stop sounding like a toilet bowl! Any suggestions?