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  1. sal713

    Hypo Dip

    I am trying to get rid of some unwanted crabs that were hitchhikers. (actualy thats sounds pretty funny)If I do a hypo dip, will I actualy kill anything or do they just come running out? Will the pods come out? How long will they survive in the hypo solution until I can get them back in the...
  2. sal713

    My First Pics

  3. sal713

    My First Pics

    Wow..thats exactly it. Ahhhh..what does the LFS know...:mad: Another question though...I see pics of some of the reef tanks and most of the glass looks pretty clean. I have green algae covering the back and one of the sides but I was told not to scrape it off. Yes? No?:notsure:
  4. sal713

    Pics of New Zoos

    very cool:yes:
  5. sal713

    Bring it on Hurricane Charley!!

    I'm 30 min. north of Tampa..Good Luck!:scared:
  6. sal713

    My First Pics

    thanks...stupid LFS
  7. sal713

    What to do if hurricane hits?

    Good luck gypsie32. I'm in Spring Hill...45 min. north of you
  8. sal713

    Skilter Filters

    I agree, the skimmer doesnt work that well.
  9. sal713

    My First Pics

    angel? LFS told me butterfly...
  10. sal713

    Too many aiptasias

    I used lemon juice also..syringe and needle..and stuck them in the stalk. They try and retract though. Give a small squirt. Mine were just about dead within 15 min.
  11. sal713

    Quick Bulb Question

    okee dokee...thanks
  12. sal713

    My First Pics

    anyone know what type of butterfly?
  13. sal713

    My First Pics

    anyone know what that branchy coral is?
  14. sal713

    My First Pics

    are these leafy plants ok to be in the tank? They came attached to the rock.
  15. sal713

    My First Pics

  16. sal713

    My First Pics

  17. sal713

    My First Pics

    rock covered with feather dusters
  18. sal713

    My First Pics

  19. sal713

    My First Pics

    well, that didnt work...
  20. sal713

    My First Pics

    My first pics of my tank. Just starting with corals.