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  1. sal713

    Give Away RO/DI tank, you pay shipping

    if its still available, I'll take it.
  2. sal713

    Hypo Dip

    2-1/2 fraternal boys
  3. sal713

    Hypo Dip

    by the way..yes, "got twins"
  4. sal713

    Hypo Dip

    maybe I said it it hyper? not hypo? high salinity dip..somewhere in the range of 1.03? I heard the critters dont like it.
  5. sal713

    Free Package to the 100th post

  6. sal713

    Hypo Dip

  7. sal713

    ID Please!

    its not a mushroom. Its a skirted Keyhole Limpet.
  8. sal713

    ID Please!

    like this?
  9. sal713

    ID Please!

    Punch in my user name in the search. I was just asking about something similar last week. It might be what your looking for.
  10. sal713

    pipe organ coral

    do hermit crabs eat pipe organ coral? I've noticed the "pipes" are slowly dissapearing. I have scarlet, blue leg and zebra.
  11. sal713

    Free Package to the 100th post

  12. sal713

    Identify please

    Thanks Guys..
  13. sal713

    Identify please

    they looked all clear. Its hard to tell because this group is only the size of my pinky nail.
  14. sal713

    Identify please

    Yes Bang, it does send out some feeding tentacles.
  15. sal713

    Identify please

    #2 are hard..almost rock hard. Started off as one and they dont open. #1&3 is that reef safe?
  16. sal713

    Hypo Dip

  17. sal713

    How to grow Coralline Alge?

    I hear that you can use a hard bristle brush and brush the areas of the coralline and that will release spores and attach to other rocks. If you already have some of course....:)
  18. sal713

    Identify please

    I have no clue. Stays in a dark place all day. Lights go out and he starts moving...very slow.
  19. sal713

    Identify please

    what kind of coral. Growing in a couple of places.
  20. sal713

    Identify please

    Just got a rock with christmas tree worms. I noticed this morning one of the "holes" was empty and this thing was at the bottom of the tank. Little "hairs" on it and moves very slow. Couls this be the worm?