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  1. sal713

    Quick Bulb Question

    Does anybody know how close I can put a 175w MH bulb to a 50/50 PC bulb?
  2. sal713

    My Diy EuroReef

    I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon also!
  3. sal713

    Dead clam

    I just noticed a clam died that came on some live rock I bought a week ago. Should I take this piece out and remove the clam or leave it and hope the critters clean it up?
  4. sal713

    Pipe Organ Coral Help

    I got mine yesterday through the mail. How long am I looking at before it opens? If it doesnt open in a paticular time frame, can I assume it didnt make it?
  5. sal713

    Pipe Organ Coral Help

    curious....I just got one also..
  6. sal713

    Kalkwasser alternatives for aiptasia?

    I did exactly what I read on here. I used lemon juice and injected it (with needle and syringe) into the stalk. They were dead in 15 minutes.
  7. sal713

    Anemones on LR?

    well I said, if you read the other threads about it, somtimes they eat it, somtimes they dont. I'm not the only one.
  8. sal713

    Anemones on LR?

    I have some Aiptasia and bought 5 peppermints. They never touched it. If you read about it in this forum, sometimes they eat it, sometimes they dont. I stuck mine with a syringe with some lime juice..very small amount..and they die in within the hour.
  9. sal713

    Too much light?

    Is there such a thing as too much lighting? I already have 175w PC 50/50 on my 40 and from what I've read I can only have "the basics" as far as coral. If I got a 175w MH, do I still keep the other lights or is that too much? Sal
  10. sal713

    Just saw an amazing thing

    yes, it was. I thought the one looks a little fat!:D
  11. sal713

    Just saw an amazing thing

    Do I have to do anything? Will I have a spike of some sort?
  12. sal713

    PH keeps dropping

    Why would cause my Ph to keep dropping? Everything else is normal. Would raising my calcium lower the Ph?
  13. sal713

    Just saw an amazing thing

    Was peering in my tank with a flash light and all of a sudden one of my peppermints swam around really fast and shot out tons of babies! The whole tank is filled with these little tiny babies! Pretty Cool!
  14. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms

    Not a Zebra..I have those.
  15. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms

    anyone know what kind this is?
  16. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms

    This is the biggest in my tank. There are a few small ones also.
  17. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms

    yes..that does help. There goes another thing out of my tank. If you can stand another.. These little crabs that have come on my live rock. Some 1/4" in dia. up to 1/2" in dia....Do I have to get rid of these also? They look like basic crabs..brownish red in color.
  18. sal713

    Help moving my tank

    let me know if you need a hand. I'm in Spring Hill
  19. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms

  20. sal713

    Just got some mushrooms good?