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  1. shnabbles

    When do I take it out?

    Your salinity should be higher around 1.025 and 1.026 what are you using to measure the salt refractometer or hydrometer? How established is your tank, and what kind of lighting do you have?
  2. shnabbles

    Open brain owners please come in.

    I have several other corals in the tank but it now is in direct shade under the protein skimmer pump... Its on the rocks, but at least its in complete shade.
  3. shnabbles

    Open brain owners please come in.

    sharkbait, how long do you think the recovery could take?
  4. shnabbles

    Open brain owners please come in.

    salinity 1.026 Alk 8.2 Calcium 400 PH 8.3 Temp 82ish Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Magnesium 1250 (alittle low) I have 2x150 MH and 2x96 PC's over a 55. The coral was open very nicely at the pet store, though i think they had it under PC's only.. brought it home stuck it in the tank, next morning looked...
  5. shnabbles

    Open brain owners please come in.

    How many keep your open brain under MH lighting? Since i brought mine home it looks like absolute crap... the skeleton shows throught the flesh during the day and after lights out the starts to puff up slightly.. I only have shaded area under my protien skimmer pump so i have moved the brain...
  6. shnabbles

    Keep a reef journal

    me to
  7. shnabbles

    ID of two corals please.

    No body knows for sure what the gonipora need to survive... and in captivity most only last in a tank 6 months or less... some people have been on record for keeping them alive longer then that but is few and far between
  8. shnabbles

    Help with Moon (favia) coral

    I bought one 2 weeks ago and one of the little mouth blocks (i guess you call them) in the center seems to have no flesh and is just showing skeleton... a couple others look like this to.. Do these things need any special care? Iv never seen the feeding tentacles... tank parameters are all...
  9. shnabbles

    feeding anemones

    do you have any crabgs or shrimp, they may of just stole it from the anenome
  10. shnabbles

    New Brain ?

    its the standard 55 gallon depth, not sure off hand.... what should i try hand feeding it? should i squirt the food in its mouth or?
  11. shnabbles

    New addition tonight

    I thought torch coral when i first saw it to.
  12. shnabbles

    Anyone in Lower Delaware Want a Free Brittle??

    Hey Dyna Girl im from Delaware, have you checked out the Delaware Reef Club? What kind of tank and set up do you have? Sorry im not interested in the brittle though.
  13. shnabbles

    New Brain ?

    low flow, in the sand bed.. it looked fine that night.. .the next morning the flesh was very tight against its skeleton.... today it is alittle bit puffy, and the mouths opened when i fed the tank... tank parameters oare ph 8.3 calcium 400-450 alk 11.2 magnesium 1250 nitrate 0 i hope my lights...
  14. shnabbles

    New Brain ?

    I put a green open brain in my tank on sunday, on monday it looked like absolute crap, all the water paramiters are perfect.. Is it normal for these guys to look bad for the first couple days?
  15. shnabbles

    Magnesium Low

    Bang my salfiert mag test says 1300-1500 is natural sea water.. so i was going to aim for 1400ppm.. would you say that is to high?
  16. shnabbles

    Hitchhiker ID

    thanks mud ya ill keep an eye on him, he is definantly one of the smallest critters in the tank, and unless i notice him damaging the tooth coral he lives in ill probaly just leve him there.
  17. shnabbles

    Zenia and water quality

    xenia live on nitrates... keeping healthy xenia and healthy sps in the same tank or in the same water would be very difficult. iv bought a frag of xenia and put it in my tank, nitrate are constantly at zero... my monto cap is growing noticably almost daily, xenia though look good, they arent...
  18. shnabbles

    Hitchhiker ID

    bump nobody has any ideas? should i remove him or keep him? he spends all of his time in the dead skeleton just hanging out.
  19. shnabbles

    Hitchhiker ID

    I bought a red lobo from a store this past weekend and i noticed a very small... maybe the size of a dime... crab living in the half of the skeleton of a lobo that was cut away during fragging i assume.. Like i said he is the size of a dime... his legs look black and white striped, his pinchers...
  20. shnabbles

    Would I need a chiller?

    You might be able to get by with a small clip on fan... I have the dual 150's and the 2 96watt pcs over a 55 and thats all i use to keep the water cool. Just make sure you dont cover the top of the tank with glass, so you get good evaporation.