Search results

  1. trigahappynigerog

    Corals for food for Triggers?

    there are some fish that rely on eating corals to survive like some butterflies. i wouldnt buy corals just to feed triggers, if you get the same deal with damsels that would be a better idea and more exciting to watch. but if you have a reef set up and some soft corals are growing fast it...
  2. trigahappynigerog

    ideas on moving a 150

    hire a mover only if you really dont want to go throught the is eazy take it one step at a time... 0.find a person that will work for cheap to help move the tank 1. take rocks and sand , place in buckets 2. siphon out half of the tank water to rubbermaid containers 3. catch fish...
  3. trigahappynigerog

    Tesslata and Zebra

    if they are both the same size they should be ok.
  4. trigahappynigerog

    triggers and lions and eels o my!

    niger need at the least 75-100g w an eel. they can turn very aggressive in tanks as small as a 50
  5. trigahappynigerog

    whats your favorite aggressive fish?

    clown and undulate, hawaian dragon, zebra moray,
  6. trigahappynigerog


    a large hermit will work legged hermits will get picked on and eaten if you put alot in your tank some will survive and learn to scavenge at night and a starfish with triggers is a gourmet meal...
  7. trigahappynigerog

    feeding new fish

    dont feed the same thing all the time. it is good to vary what you feed your fish and watching them eat you will know what it likes the best... feeding flakes in the morning and frozen at night should be ok
  8. trigahappynigerog

    niger and dogface question.

    A triger and puffer will eat small fish like mandarins
  9. trigahappynigerog


    make sure you check with the Fish and Game Department so you dont take anything illegal like Garabaldi the state fishy it would be a cool shark tank. there are lots of them out there
  10. trigahappynigerog

    Adding live rock to a Fish Only Tank

    make sure it is good quality cured LR
  11. trigahappynigerog

    whats the biggest tank?

    risc won this one... he is in the technology field
  12. trigahappynigerog

    Going from Fresh to Salt

    check out <a href="" target="_blank">nano reef</a>
  13. trigahappynigerog

    Hawaii Dragon Moray Eel

    i just came from the monteray bay aquarium and i seen it in a twenty gallon....
  14. trigahappynigerog

    lfs won't sell to me!!!

    dump a cup of bleach in his tanks
  15. trigahappynigerog


    smaller tanks are alot of work.. but they are possible
  16. trigahappynigerog

    whut kinda trigger for a 55 gallon

    eventually you will have to get a bigger tank as the trigger grows larger
  17. trigahappynigerog

    snowflake or zebra

    they are basically the same eel with different designs. i see snowflakes in every store... get the zebra
  18. trigahappynigerog

    aragonite cleaning!

    triggers and puffers eat cleanup crews. if the trigger isnt digging into the sand you can just stir it up yourself
  19. trigahappynigerog

    Clown Trigger

    LFSs here sell small ones for $25 and larger ones can get to be $100...the smaller the cheaper