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  1. trigahappynigerog

    Zebra Morray: ER!

    quarentine the eel if you can so it doesnt spread. if you cant,do a couple small waterchanges and add some medication.
  2. trigahappynigerog


    mexican dragons have patches like the hawaiian and they are a brownish color and dont have the teeth. please post a picture!!! wholesale prices on the hawaiian dragon is $350.00 so try to bargain with the dealer to something close to that number if you want one real bad. it is a beautiful...
  3. trigahappynigerog

    Emperor Snapper...anyone have experience with them?

    they are good greedy eaters. they grow real fast it would be a good addition make sure your filtration can handle the waste your fish produce.
  4. trigahappynigerog

    Niger Trigger

    depending on what and how much you feed they can grow fast. they are one of the least aggressive and a small one can be added last to a reef where inhabitants have already established territories. if given plenty of space and well fed it wont disturb inverts and smaller fish.
  5. trigahappynigerog

    Sand sifters

    a stick... anything else is fish food
  6. trigahappynigerog

    2 triggers & Puffer all suddenly sick! please help!

    what size are the fish? what are you feeding? whats your filtration? test your water and do a water change. keep us posted
  7. trigahappynigerog

    Green Spotted Puffers?

    they are brackish fish and can be acclimated to salt. I have seen figure eight puffers, greenspoted and yellowtail monos in saltwater tank.
  8. trigahappynigerog


    anyone out here in the bay should really check out tropical paradise in san leandro on 139th ave off of Washington ave. it is a installation/maintenance co. that just opened a retail warehouse open 7 days a week.. it is strictly saltwater and they have a setup that no other LFS in the USA can...
  9. trigahappynigerog

    small triggers and lions

    a 55g would be adequate for a small trigger. have lots of lr. when you get a bigger tank you can turn the 55g into your sump.
  10. trigahappynigerog

    Can a fish get fat?

    there is a possibility of fish getting fat. once a day wont get them fat.
  11. trigahappynigerog


    green spotted puffers and yellow tail monos are brakish water fish that will survive in a sw.
  12. trigahappynigerog

    Trigger Fish Question

    just add a undulate trigger in your 29. and for the 200g a clown trigger would be a cool addition. the queen gets too large
  13. trigahappynigerog

    Small triggerfish?

    a nurse shark would be a better addition to the 29g
  14. trigahappynigerog

    crabs with eels and triggers

    the trigger and the eel will see them as snacksx
  15. trigahappynigerog

    setting up a 150 or a 180

    a big skimmer and a refugia is a good idea. you might want to use carbon. why not place the lion in the large reef you got????
  16. trigahappynigerog

    best fish ever

    queens are cool looking triggers but if i would be able to keep one that would be all i would have. they get biger than 20 inches so make sure you plans to raise it.. most lfs dont take overgrown queens and even if they do who will buy them???? the leopard sharks are cool, small ones can be...
  17. trigahappynigerog

    DRAGON WRASSE ?!?!?!

    dragon wrasses are very active. they love to eat as juveniles and as they get bigger they turn brown with their sharp teeth sticking out. i put a couple handfuls of coral rubble and it will pick up pieces and pile them up. as adults they will turn over roks to search for food.
  18. trigahappynigerog

    65 Gal.--5 fish setup

    from your choices i would personally choose just the undulate and the zebra moray. the undulate might turn on on most of the fish in a small tank. there are alot of smaller very aggressive fish that can be housed in a 65g..
  19. trigahappynigerog

    clowntrigger not looking good, need help quick

    perform a large water change. throw one feeder in the tank and see if he will eat it. if it doesnt there is really a problem. keep a close eye on him..quarentine if possible
  20. trigahappynigerog

    Strange Clown Trigger!

    they change color as a sign of emotion. make sure when the lights go off it isnt completly dark in the room. or there might be something in the room that is stressing him out that he can only see when the lights go off