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  1. trigahappynigerog

    niger trigger

    get the niger small and if you add it with smmaller fish make sure the fish are well established in the tank with LR. they look cool when they become adults
  2. trigahappynigerog

    Titan VS Undulated Trigger!

    they are both aggressive as hell, but the Titan grows bigger
  3. trigahappynigerog

    Will a Picasso Trigger attack ?

    triggers will pick on horseshoecrabs and conches they will try to turn them upsidedown to eat them. if the trigger is big enough it will see it as a snack
  4. trigahappynigerog

    Trigger question

    how big is the tank???? triggers and eels usually do good together.
  5. trigahappynigerog

    trigger food?

    meaty foods should fill them up. fresh seafoods like shrimps, squid, scallops, octopus,etc.... try to give them a variety.. NO FRESHWATER FEEDERS!!!
  6. trigahappynigerog

    eels and triggers?

    at the LF$ ive seen triggers lay with eels. how big is the tank?
  7. trigahappynigerog

    pink tail/hawaiiwan black trigger in 90?

    try to stack two islands on each side. since trigers are territorial. why not the pinktail in the 240???
  8. trigahappynigerog

    16"" Queen Trigger

    the queen trigger would probably pick on riscs sharks...a 200g is still to small for a queen trigger to live
  9. trigahappynigerog

    Lion Fish??

    you would have to trade a couple of your fish and might try a dwarf
  10. trigahappynigerog

    POLL: Carbon usage

    cant live without it!!!!!
  11. trigahappynigerog

    Setup for snappers (bluefish)

    if you want to study them then get a very large tank 400+, snappers love to eat. they also need alot of room to swim. they grow fast even in six months...carbon and a skimmer should be on 24/7 since they eat and waste alot..
  12. trigahappynigerog

    dottybacks and royal gramma

    if you have a large tank 100+ or more with lots of lr yes. dottybacks are small but very aggressive. royal grammas are peaceful compared to them.
  13. trigahappynigerog

    Hawaiian Dragon Eel

    mexican dragons look the same without the horns and the teeth. mexicans have shades of brown and hawaiians are more colorful.
  14. trigahappynigerog

    Hawaiian Dragon Eel

    there are lfs out here that sell them for $300. the cheapest i seen them was $125 but that was because it was full grown and VERY VERY Agressive. the LF$ moved to a different area and is now selling the same one for $1000..they go for that much becuase they are rare morays. the best thing is to...
  15. trigahappynigerog

    new emporer snapper to other fish in tank

    one more thing... it is good to research a fish before buying it so you know what you are getting into.
  16. trigahappynigerog

    new emporer snapper to other fish in tank

    a snapper has no chance with a trigger unless the snapper can swallow the trigger.. they love to eat and grow fast. in my opinion take it back to the lfs....
  17. trigahappynigerog

    thinking of getting an eel

    rectangular trigers look sorta like a picasso. if you are talkin about a green moray? will outgrow your tank.
  18. trigahappynigerog

    SALLY LIGHTFOOT & horseshoe crab for cleaning

    it also depends on the size of the trigger. if it is a full grown triger the jaws are strong enough to crack hermitcrab and snail shells....
  19. trigahappynigerog

    i can't believe it

    Welcome to the World Wide Web!!!! with the thousands and millions of people with access to the web they out number the few moderators here at it is impossible to filter out all the curse words... Politically correct Internet netiquette is not to use profanity........ If it is used to...
  20. trigahappynigerog

    Clown withTriggers

    probably not. it depends on a couple things. if the triggers have been in there for a while i doubt you can add anything.. it also depends on the size of the triggers, if the triggers are large enough it will try to eat the clowns. but if the maroon is larger you probably can get away with it.