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  1. mep

    My tank

    maybe a background to hide wires and filters looks like a great start good luck
  2. mep

    Pink Coral?

    zoo's are a great way to add color but with color comes a big price i also like the yellow leather green corals are very common
  3. mep

    What brand of salt...........

    tropic marin 300g salt mix for 90$
  4. mep

    Open Brain Not looking well.

    I've tried Silversides, and Krill, but I'm not sure if he's eating it. I put it by his mouth and put a 2-liter bottle over him to keep the food from being eaten by other shrimp, snails, etc.... I've been doing this at night and by morning it's gone, but he's still yet to open up like before...
  5. mep

    What kind of SPS is this?

    Turbinaria? color purpleish blue with yellow rim & cap
  6. mep

    What kind of SPS is this?

    orange cap
  7. mep

    purple acropora bleaching

    my purple monster turned rasberry under 10k and back to purple under 20k i feel purple and blue are best colored under 20k
  8. mep

    calcium reactors

    the co2 is full i've been trying to adjust both knobs but no luck i've got the main knob opened up almost fully with the fine tuning making small ajustments but it runs a couple of hours and then stops i also run on manual with no pinpoint monitor goldfish let me know when you want some frags i...
  9. mep

    calcium reactors

    i've been running one for a year now and it's run perfect. couple of days ago hard to set bubble count - runs alittle while then stops is there a way to clean the regulator? thanks mep
  10. mep

    Are bristle worms A-sexual?

    i've seen a picture of a guy holding one from his head to the ground at almost 6 feet. wish i had the picture
  11. mep

    uv sterilizer hard q.

  12. mep

    uv sterilizer hard q.

    read about uv sterilizers got to thinkin- the question is can a de 150w mh with no glass shield used to filter out uv rays have the same effect? i know uv sterilizers work by close, long exposure when water is going through the sleeve but running 150 mh in a sump 12 inch deep be the same effect?
  13. mep

    starting a buisness

    who else has thought about opening a store? 3 of the 4 stores in my area seem to just getting by. only one is doing really well(one store doing good sells all pet items other 3 fish only) seems like a hard buisness to be in
  14. mep

    xeina vs macro

    whats better filtering nutrients out of the water?
  15. mep

    Can light actually be too strong??

    double ended 250 hqi low profile my fixture is 3.5 inchs tall with uv glass shield built into fixture
  16. mep

    got some xenia today yay

    free xenia cut out of tank not attached to rock pick up only located so cal
  17. mep

    Guess what i got at *****

    thats an incredible price i thought purple tangs went for 60 on up. purple tangs are deep water and should be hand caught(why price is so high). good luck with the killer deal make sure you get him to eat.
  18. mep

    change of plans

    yes :D
  19. mep


    free pulse xiena pom pom located in so cal inland empire will cut out of tank no rock included email local pick up only xiena does not ship well slimes with in hours of being baged
  20. mep

    Brown Algae Overnight .......again!

    looks like excess nutrients causeing the bloom cuased by the intense new light do a water change to take out nutrients using ro - do you have fish? what do you feed them? most of us over feed beef up your clean up crew