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  1. mep

    Brown Algae Overnight .......again!

    what type of water do you use ? what is your bio load at? what kind of skimmer?
  2. mep


    yes all rules can be broken your system is plenty big i've seen a tank with 10+ different tangs all happy just make sure there all well fed so they don't fight
  3. mep

    2 tanks priced to go socal inland empire

    sorry no fish just tanks still running my tank
  4. mep

    2 tanks priced to go socal inland empire

    #1 29g tank oak stand sea clone skimmer over flow 75$ #2 25g tank black stand eclipes 2(?) 40$
  5. mep

    MH under a 6" hood

    run the 250w de hqi low profile only 3.5 inch tall has glass in front for slash guard(uv protection) great results just add fan for heat
  6. mep

    New SPS coral

    i just got the same frag about a month ago - mine is still brown(tips are purple) but hoping to color up purple fully saw web page where it's called the fugi purple monster
  7. mep

    would you suggest a Deep Sea Yellow Gorgonian?

    as for strong lighting what is it? for the algae what do you have in your tank?
  8. mep

    Birdsnest turning light pink

    is the coral showing skeloton at the base or is it turning brown?
  9. mep

    Baby Snails on glass.

    look at the tank at night you most likly have hundreds they usually come out at night there a great clean up crew there able to get into the smallest of areas
  10. mep

    big mac got kalk

    like to pick up a bag if still avail.
  11. mep

    Can anyone ID this

    can't see it
  12. mep

    anyony pic of a 14000k bulb

    color look more blue or white? good growth?
  13. mep

    20,000K Aqualine vs XM HQI Double-Ended 250w

    20,000K Aqualine vs XM HQI Double-Ended 250w anybody tried these bulbs? what kind of results?
  14. mep

    lighting for a 65g????

    look at all possible future corals. save the 150 and get light(s) with no restrictions on corals i to started out with pc but now i moved to mh
  15. mep

    29g reef

    i'm still running my 100g currently but if no one wants the package i will break up but i really don't like shipping items
  16. mep

    29g reef

    29g tank oak stand overflow box sea clone skimmer live rock 150w hqi de 20,0000k pendent 300.00 located in the inland empire
  17. mep

    Is this a purple monster?

    i went to see carlos last night and had store credit so i pick up a small frag of the tort and a couple other frags but thanks for the offer
  18. mep

    Is this a purple monster?

    mines not that deep purple but ready to trade for a blue tort.
  19. mep

    1000 mh watt users

    my lfs said becuase of the intensity these bulbs can cover 4 ft and 6 feet deep the cost between 2 400w and 1 1000 is not much so why not upgrade i was thinking of putting one on a 94g corner instead of 2 400 you can't match the intensity of a 1000
  20. mep

    need lights

    i could get you 2 400w mh W pfo reflrectors bulbs 4 months old 360.00 located in the inland empire