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  1. hatessushi

    TRIGGCITY- this thread is for you!

    I'm thinking that without any more posts maybe the triggers ate the owner when he tried to feed them... ***)
  2. hatessushi

    salt per gallon

    Also it shouldsay that on the container of salt (1/2 cup per gallon of water)
  3. hatessushi

    Lionfish Ate Clam; Now What????

    How big was the clam? Is his stomach shaped like a clam now? :notsure:
  4. hatessushi

    Using A Food Processor To Prepare Frozen Foods - Thoughts?

    I use our Quisinart to prepare food enough for 2 to 3 months. I usually make a few batches so one batch is shrimp, scallops, nori, vitachem and the next batch is clam, squid, (sometimes octopus), garlic, Selcon. I spread it onto a wax paper covered pan and partially freeze so I can cut it into...
  5. hatessushi

    Fish Gonna die? HELP

    If your DT has no fish yet then just put it in there. There is no need to QT the first fish since it is alone either way so the the Dt can act as a QT. When you get more fish then QT them.
  6. hatessushi Where are you?

    I've never really had a problem with them so I can't really help you. It doesn't help this companies reputation if they don't answer their calls and email though.
  7. hatessushi

    titan trigger

    Actually that is a really low price. Also the Titan triggerfish requires a 700-1000 gallon tank when full grown.
  8. hatessushi

    Cleaning Crew?

    I have 2 brittle stars, assorted snails, assorted hermit crabs, a few emerald crabs and the emerald crabs don't mess with the snails at all. I had some smaller snails and the blue legged hermit took over but then I put some shells in and the crabs get what they need. My hawaiian trigger also...
  9. hatessushi

    Cleaner Clams

    When a clam dies the shell opens all the way so that all the little crabs can come in and eat it.
  10. hatessushi

    Seachem test kits..

    I have both of the Seachem testkits. The Marine and the Reef kits. They work fine for me. Some of the tests I backup with the sailfert tests. I also monitor some of my water parameters with probes for pH, Orp, Temp, Salinity, Calcium. I plan on getting one that tests nitrates once I know that...
  11. hatessushi

    how to handle calcium precipitation

    Usually the pH will be really high also. Precipitation will morely occur when the pH is on the high side.
  12. hatessushi

    ???theres a hole in the cucumber

    IMO Ophuira and all of the mods should be applauded for all of the help they have given so many people. I have also benefited greatly from their posts and answers to my many many questions. :cheer: :cheer: thanks guys and gals!!
  13. hatessushi

    Cleaner Clams

    You should not need to feed them. Even if you use a DeNitrator there will be enough nitrates for them. They feed from the sand and not the water column so you can't really measure what they are getting.
  14. hatessushi

    blue ring octo

    I too think that if you are experienced and understand the issues with this creature then keep one if you want. The problem I have is this. When you go into a store to buy this does anyone have you fill out a questionarie to determine if you are qualified or knowledgable enough to keep one? If...
  15. hatessushi

    They said it couldn't be done......

    Hey Triggcity, I have some questions for you. Have you noticed if the triggers raise their triggers alot during feeding or other times? If so, observe what they are doing at the time they raise their trigger. Also, if one raises its trigger does another one do the same nearby? If so that may be...
  16. hatessushi

    maroon clownfish?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy If you get 2 small Maroons there's a chance they will pair up. Maroons are the most difficult Clownfish to pair in my experience. Your tank is large enough to support 2 or 3 pairs of Clownfish IMO but I would expect the Maroon to immediately evict the Ocellaris out...
  17. hatessushi

    can a thermomether be regarded as accurate if the probe

    It's important to keep the thermometer in a part of the water before it gets to the heater. That can be in the MT or the sump. In other words the temp probe should be upstream from the heater.
  18. hatessushi

    They said it couldn't be done......

    Oh, can we see some pics of your tank?
  19. hatessushi

    They said it couldn't be done......

    I have a Hawaiian Trigger(5") with a Kole Tang (4"), Coral Beauty (3"), Maroon clown (1.5"), and a Diamond goby (2.5"). The one I need to keep an eye on is the clown and he is only 1.5 inches and totally is the boss. IMO if you keep them well fed they will be okay......until one goes postal
  20. hatessushi

    They said it couldn't be done......

    Funny thing is that your heading says "They said it couldn't be done" I don't think anyone said that. It's like you can put a tang in a 20 gallon tank, it can be done but shouldn't be done. I would have said to you before you put those fish together "not to do it" not that it can't be done. I...