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  1. pyro383

    My Lastest Coral (still In Training!)

    Megadon It needs no light, only meaty foods. Here is the guys email addy. His name is Rob and you have to tell him that I refered you to him so he knows what this is for. and here is a link of some of his stuff
  2. pyro383

    My Lastest Coral (still In Training!)

    they don't hate the light. I am training mine to be out in the evening from 6-9pm. When I feed the tank they popout. I use a turkey baster and bloodworms every other day. If anyone is interested, my friend sells then for $20 for a nice size piece with about 20 polyps
  3. pyro383


    36" 144w pc hood made by jbj $150
  4. pyro383

    Can I operate on a starfish?

    Anways I cut the leg off underwater and he then continued about his business. If the shrimp starts with him then I will isolate him in a container. Also I double posted by accident so refer to the other post as it has more respones.
  5. pyro383

    Can I operate on a starfish?

    Anways I cut the leg off underwater and he then continued about his business. If the shrimp starts with him then I will isolate him in a container
  6. pyro383

    Can I operate on a starfish?

    2 months, parimeters ph 8.3 and steady s.g. 1.023 - 1.024 alk 4 nitrite .01< nitrate 10< amonia 0 calcium 440 temp 80.5 red brittle is fine as is red star
  7. pyro383

    Can I operate on a starfish?

    I have a red spiney reef safe starfish and it appears to have a injured arm. It seems as if it is hollwed out with no feelers except at the end. It just hangs in the water unlike the rest of the arms which are showing no signs of problems. The shrimp have started to pull at the infected arm...
  8. pyro383

    Can I operate on a starfish?

    I have a red spiney reef safe starfish and it appears to have a injured arm. It seems as if it is hollwed out with no feelers except at the end. It just hangs in the water unlike the rest of the arms which are showing no signs of problems. The shrimp have started to pull at the infected arm...
  9. pyro383

    clownfish jumping out of tank

    try egg crate and cut it around any pipes, wires, filters ect.
  10. pyro383

    Big Personality!!!!

    jawfish, clown gobies (2) if compatiable, clownfish, firefish
  11. pyro383

    Fan placement and results?

    Building my canopy over my 45g high. (2) 96w PC's and (1) 175w mh mounted in the canopy with reflector with remote ballasts next to the stand. The lights will be 8" of the water, and tank has center brace. PC's will be on for 10hr and MH for 5 or 6hr if thats enough time for the mh. I run...
  12. pyro383

    update - 1 week with RO/DI unit

    You can always throw a 5g pail of the new water in a tub filled with hot water and a powerhead and in 15min. you should have the water up to about 80 before you dump it into the tank
  13. pyro383

    Best Hang-on Filter ?

    Emperor 400 should do the trick. Can be had for about $41 online. 2 media chambers
  14. pyro383

    Reef Safe Starfish?

    spiney red reef safe starfish, also a red starfish which is actually a deep orange. I have both
  15. pyro383

    what is the best IN SUMP skimmer?

    You could use a plastic rain gutter, that way it channels the water down to your water level. Or get a 3" pvc pipe and mod it to fit the output lip of the seaclone, I am about to board your ship. :)
  16. pyro383

    Cleaned up the rat's nest

    You could always use velcro straps, sold at most Radio Shacks
  17. pyro383

    MH 400w bulbs for sale

    Azonic, sent you a email with the paypal info. Havent heard from you yet.
  18. pyro383

    SeaClone Protein Skimmer ?

    have you cleaned the filter attached to the pump or the tube that leads into the base of the skimmer? Has any adjustments been done to the air valve?
  19. pyro383

    Will SLF crabs work in my tank

    OK so no slf crab, any others that might work, just looking to diversify.
  20. pyro383

    Will SLF crabs work in my tank

    sally lightfooted crab, I hope that was the right abbreviation. I know about tangs and this 1 is a juvi and will be upgrading tank in 1 year. He has enough rock work to entertain him with all the caves and crevices. I also have a friend who would take the tang if he becomes to big for my tank...