Search results

  1. pyro383

    Can a hammer and a frogspawn be near each other

    What should the distance be between the 2. Since they are from the same family I would think they would not send out feelers and have a war.
  2. pyro383

    sun corals

    light has no benifits, so you can put them in total darkness, they like alot of water movement so they can catch food. I feed bloodworms thru a turkey baster with pumps off, this way gets at least 4 or 5 bloodworms to each polyp. You can even feed silversides or krill almost whole.
  3. pyro383

    computer fans

    Rat shack fans would be fine, however you could do better. I am using a thermally controlled 1 that does up to 80 cfm at dba 35. I am also selling to 4" 120v 95 cfm for $10ea plus shipping if interested
  4. pyro383

    Fans blowing in or out

    mine blows in with a semi open back. Without the 115cfm fan air temp inside hood is 97, when fan goes on air temp is 70. Water without fan is 86 when on is 80. I evaporate 2g a day. I have read that you should pull air in as long as its not over 90. You want fresh air coming in due to the...
  5. pyro383

    Aptasia - how fast does it spread?

    Its to big for them to eat it. Get it out now or inject it or use boiling water. Any remants of it grow into more babies. Peppermint shrimp can control the babies.
  6. pyro383

    Red Chili Coral????

    I found it easy to take care of, keep it out of direct light, I have mine hanging under a cave. I put a rock on top of a finger to hold it and it overhangs the cave. It will attach to the rocks. Give it moderate flow so algae does not adhere to it. It filter feeds from its polyps and it...
  7. pyro383

    Need ideas for vent on top of canopy.

    Go to HD and go to the vent section, they have grilles that are used for bathroom vents. Then you could cut out the canopy top and install this for a clean look
  8. pyro383

    RO/DI Installation

    I have responded to this before, as long as you have access to the supply valve under the sink and can shut it off, replace (if needed) the hose/pipe that comes from the valve and goes to the faucet with a pvc line. Takes about 15min. Then you can attach the piercing valve. You can leave the...
  9. pyro383

    setting up a RO/DI unit

    Tell us what you are aiming to do. Tap your cold water line, screw into a faucet, where are you putting the waste water line to. It should be no harder than a 3 and 1hr or less of your time.
  10. pyro383

    125 - 180 gl. aquarium in NYC needed

    I know of 2 people selling tanks, both located within 10min of each other on long island 1) 180g 6ft long glass tank with lights, filters, fish and test kits, uv, pumps, stand for $600 2) 120g glass long rr and iron stand $150 shoot me a email if interested
  11. pyro383

    Tapwater filter from Aquar. Pharm.

    Even in an apartment you can redo the supply line going to your facucet, it is 2 lines going from shut off valvea to the faucet handles, or get a faucet adaptor. Figure out how much water to filter ratio and price it out to a ro/di for $149
  12. pyro383

    Ro unit ??????

    I 2nd airwaterice. Great product. I have read alot about filters and it really is a common filter used by all industries. There are different microns that you can get and most places give you a choice on what size.
  13. pyro383

    Tapwater filter from Aquar. Pharm.

    It really is a stop gap measure. It works well but goes fast. I used one to start my 45g tank. After 3 filter changes in 9 months I decided just to get a ro/di for $150 airwaterice 100g day unit. More money up front but savings down the road. Better water and faster. I know money was tight...
  14. pyro383

    THOUSANDS OF BUBBLES from protein skimmer??????

    for temporary measures and in the future a stocking or a fine net with help collect the bubble and prevent them from entering the tank. I did this when I 1st ran my seaclone.
  15. pyro383

    RO/DI unit from airwaterice

    It could be 2 things, one that it does have sediment so maybe flush the system and two, it depends on temp of water. All units are rated at 72 degree temp as optimal. Every degree less you lose 1.6%. My water in the winter right now is 52 so 100g/day unit is now 68g/day
  16. pyro383

    Typhoon RO/DI

    The c & o bar is still there. Pets Warehouse in Copaigue on sunrise hwy is ok, so is country critters in patchogue. A new one opened on m. st. in bayshore called fishy inc. And a good reefer out of home in lindenhurst.
  17. pyro383

    what brand of ro/di

    do a search on my user name, I have gone in detail about my unit.
  18. pyro383

    SCWD VS SeaSwirl ??????

    ree$centr@! has an ongoing thread, sorry I can't post other websites. Mine comes in a few days.
  19. pyro383

    Typhoon RO/DI

    I have the compact reefkeeper and love it. I responded to a few post about it so do a search on my user name
  20. pyro383

    RO/DI unit from airwaterice

    I have the compact reefkeeper. 10 min to install and no I am not a plumber. Directions clearly spelled out. Attach supply line, cut tube, insert into unit, cut tube, connect waste water trap and you are done. Its 100g a day, I need 2g for top off and 5g for a water change. The filters are...