Search results

  1. guinness

    Xenia for trade - Pittsburgh

    I was wondering if anyone was willing to do a trade for the xenia pictured below. I was looking for some mushrooms or zoos. Local Pittsburgh only because I know the xenia does not ship very well. email me -
  2. guinness

    Xenia Trade Pittsburgh

  3. guinness

    Xenia Trade Pittsburgh

    I was wondering if anyone was willing to do a trade for the xenia pictured below. I was looking for some mushrooms or zoos. Local Pittsburgh only because I know the xenia does not ship very well. email me -
  4. guinness


    i am running around 10 watts per gallon in my nano which is where it might go. i have too many crabs in the 90 gallon
  5. guinness


    I was thinking of getting a Maxima clam or Derasa clam in my reef tank. I had a question about it's saftey. I had gotten some of the cleaner clams and placed 2 in my tank and some in my fuge. The hermit crabs pryed open the shells and attacked the ones in my tank. Would this happen with a...
  6. guinness

    looking for reef light/ also need to get rid of tang and pink tail trigger

    why are you getting rid of the is a reef safe fish and is okay in a 75 gallon
  7. guinness

    FS Fiji Live Rock ($3/Ib obo) + Coral

    were are you located
  8. guinness

    Clam With Power Compacts?

    anyone have watts per gallon idea? i am running 9 wpg.
  9. guinness

    tips for using a background?

    i use duct tape...isn't it for everything
  10. guinness

    another fish

    i am using a 20 inch coralife quad 96w 50/50. it is working great.
  11. guinness

    where to get equipment: Salinity, PH, SG, Nitrates, nitrites, etc.. has the best price on the refractometer around, highly recommended
  12. guinness

    another fish

    i currently have a ten gallon nano. it is stocked with a firefish, cleaner shrimp, 2 snails, and 3 hermits. i was wondering what ideas everyone had for an other fish? also what other kind of shrimp might also work well? I do have some xenia, purple mushrooms, hitchhiker feather dusters and a...
  13. guinness

    Starfish for a 14g?

    stay away from a sand sifting star. they need a lot of tank room/sand bed.
  14. guinness

    frags in pittsburgh

    does anyone know what lfs sells frags in pittsburgh? Elmer's sells some and wet pets does not sell any. any help would be great.
  15. guinness


  16. guinness

    Id Pleasee

    it will host the anemone. just beware of your powerheads and filters when your tank is ready to handle one.
  17. guinness

    Retarded anemone?

    good luck with the anemone...mind attached up front and was very happy until the goby moved sand all around it. when in moved up the tank glass it met the powerhead. that was the end of it. just beware of the power heads and other filters. i have now lost 3 that way and decided to call it...
  18. guinness

    Lights off for 24 hrs?

    i did three days to get rid of cyano and everything was fine
  19. guinness

    red slime remover

    did you turn off your protein skimmer? it has to be off for 48 hours.
  20. guinness

    mod an ac110 to fuge??? help
