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  1. viper12775

    Seaclear System II Overhaul

    it sounds like a good idea to me im not sure how you should go about it though
  2. viper12775

    After ich, how long before it is safe to put other fish in the tank you teated it in

    im pretty sure ick has a 3 week life cycle with no host so i would wate a month just to be sure
  3. viper12775

    Tube Worms?

    you can keep them together i guess you mean the big dusters just make sure you keep it fed they will starve easy
  4. viper12775

    does this site has limpets......errr.. help??

    i have keyhole limpets that are reef safe but they eat algae im not sure if any of them will eay hydroids
  5. viper12775

    shark question... again

    did you get the replie about ick
  6. viper12775


    i find new critter every night when i get the flashlight its great the latest find is mysis shrimp and baby keyhole lampet "spelling is probably off alittle"
  7. viper12775

    algae, algae go away

    algae blenny will tear up on your algae thats the best angae control i have in my tank
  8. viper12775

    Skimmer or Bio Wheel?

    skimmer over the biowheel the skimmer will remove organics that will polute the water the biowheel will remove amonia and nitrates but they dont work all that great i have one biowheel and its not doing anything i would get a skimmer and the cpr bak-pak if you can spend alittle more over the...
  9. viper12775


    how about the quiet one 1040 gph@0 head or 600 gph @6 ft
  10. viper12775

    Powerheads for 55g

    first off i would dump the rio and get a mag 5 or 7 before the rio has a meltdown and i would use maxi-jet 1200 for the power heads
  11. viper12775


    yes turn it down alittle bit and let it go for a few days it will take some times up to a week to "break in" then it will start to produce skimmate
  12. viper12775

    Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??

    sorry to hear that that really sucks how wide is the skimmer
  13. viper12775

    Where did my post go!!!!

    that is weird i saw it last night maybe a mod deleted it
  14. viper12775

    something swarming in the tank ?!?!?

    good food for fish
  15. viper12775

    tell what it is

    thats funny i just went and looked at my tank with a flashlight and i found around 50 baby ones right at my sand line
  16. viper12775

    Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??

    hears a pic from another eclipse skimmer upgrade
  17. viper12775

    Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??

    yes the bio wheel side that will work for the seaclone i havent used the bak-pak so im not sure about that i think ryebread did so he could help you with that one and the lees has to go on the side but there a pain go with one of the others
  18. viper12775

    Eheim Surface Suction Extractor

    i used the fluval and it worked great once you get it set right so its not sucking air but that dont answer your ? sorry
  19. viper12775

    Where did my post go!!!!

    if it was the one from last night no one replied and it was bumped to the end of the posts
  20. viper12775

    tell what it is

    there a type of snail im not sure of the name i have a few and they eat algea mine only come out when the lights are off try this link for the name