i find new critter every night when i get the flashlight its great the latest find is mysis shrimp and baby keyhole lampet "spelling is probably off alittle"
skimmer over the biowheel the skimmer will remove organics that will polute the water the biowheel will remove amonia and nitrates but they dont work all that great i have one biowheel and its not doing anything i would get a skimmer and the cpr bak-pak if you can spend alittle more over the...
yes the bio wheel side that will work for the seaclone i havent used the bak-pak so im not sure about that i think ryebread did so he could help you with that one and the lees has to go on the side but there a pain go with one of the others
there a type of snail im not sure of the name i have a few and they eat algea mine only come out when the lights are off try this link for the name http://www.rshimek.com