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  1. viper12775

    Old Ebo-Jaeger Heater setting...

    i would put it in a bucket of water and set it at 3 let it work check the temp and raise it little by little untill you find your temp
  2. viper12775

    rio 1700 pump

    rio pumps suck i got one and it burnt up 4 months latter every time the power went off the pump wouldent work "iguess air would get stuck in the impeller so i went with a little giant but now im going with mag drive no problems so far
  3. viper12775


    mag drive 5-9
  4. viper12775

    What would you expect to pay for a 75 Galon Perfecto or All-Glass?

    im looking at a 75 gallon all-glass and its $279 tank stand glass top and twintube light so that sounds right im hoping to get the tank top and stand for $200 i feel bad becuse i spent $411 on my bowfront from the same lfs
  5. viper12775

    Kent Nautilus Protein Skimmer?

    i havent used it but i want to know also
  6. viper12775

    Horseshoe Crabs, any experience with these guys?

    i dont have one but tanked to a friend of mine becuse i wanted one he said that they do a great job at siffting sandbut they can cause problems with rockwork they can cause it to collaps and they get big but i dont remember how big i think 12 inch not counting tail i hope this helped alittle
  7. viper12775

    Eclipse Upgrade

    i didnt have a problem with my hood cracking but i would take it off the tank so i would be easyer to work with and keep shavings out of the tank ether skimmer will work ive never tried the backpack but it's small so it would work but it's $120 the backpack would be better ive herd good things...
  8. viper12775

    Eclipse Upgrade

    i used a dremel "i think thats how you spell it" it works great for diy projects
  9. viper12775

    I have ich, I think

    i hae had god luck with kick-ick it's safe for inverts but it takes alittle while to cure the ick
  10. viper12775

    Liverock getting holes in it

    i have some worms that eat live rock "or i guess they eat it" i have these little piles if liverock dust or maybe i have termites but i had a rock with mushrooms on it and it was solid when i first put it in my tank and a year later when i upgraded i moved them and the hole under side of the...
  11. viper12775

    size/price of tanks....

    im looking at a 75 gallon at my lfs they sell tank stand glass top and light for $279 $379 with all glass canopy
  12. viper12775

    URI bulbs

    that pet place
  13. viper12775

    Atinic White Bulb

    the 03 is 7100k and the white are 12000k
  14. viper12775

    Eclipse Upgrade

    i added a 55 watt pc retro kit from that pet place on my eclipse it was around $60 and that included the 50/50 smartlight it made a but diifernce and the hood looked like it was never touched
  15. viper12775

    what does everyone feed their lions

    krill live grass shripm and some times live fish
  16. viper12775

    aggressive water turn over

    ok thanks for all the help
  17. viper12775

    still debating on a shark for my tank

    as far as i know the banded sharks are the smallest sharks max out at around 3 feet i could be wrong and the ones ive seen at the lfs move around alot
  18. viper12775

    aggressive water turn over

    will the mag 5 be enough if i tee the return to both sides of the aquarium and should i have the tank drilled from allglass and use there overflow or just get a hangon
  19. viper12775

    Eclipse Upgrade

    thats the seaclone i was looking for that pic i saw it somewhere when i was looking to install a protein skimmer on my eclipse
  20. viper12775

    aggressive water turn over

    im going to upgrade my agressive setup to a 75 gallon im not sure what return pump to get for my wet/dry a mag 3 or 5 im going to move my lion and stone fish ang get a few anglers and im not sure how much current they like thanks for any help