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  1. trigger11

    clowns wont play in anemone

    Originally Posted by earlybird I need to find a picture of a dog on a toilet.
  2. trigger11

    Starting Over Questions

    Welcome to the boards and welcome back to the hobby. Here is how I would set up the system. 1. Get it up and running. Get through the cycle 2. After tank is cycled add the inverts. 3. Wait a bit and then add the clownfish. 4. Maybe wait a week and then add some mushrooms. 5. Keep an eye on...
  3. trigger11

    Joining the BIDDOGS

    Congratulations on the upgrade. Remember to post lots of pics.
  4. trigger11

    lookin to cycle live sand for an established tank....

    If the sand is actually LS then there wont be a need to cycle it. Yes, I would add the sand in increments. You dont want to stir the sand bed up too much if you have livestock in it. By the way, even if the sand was not LS all ready you wouldnt have to cycle it. It would become LS eventually...
  5. trigger11

    Plant identification

    My only guess would be Halameda which is a macro algae plant. A good picture is really worth a thousand words though.
  6. trigger11

    please help on water quality problems...

    All you should really need for fresh is PH and ammonia. Possibly General Hardness (GH) depending on the water quality from your tap water.
  7. trigger11

    equipment info!

    If you dont find the answers you are looking for I would recommend to ask your question over in the Lighting, DIY equipment section. Additionally, you would be more likely to get responses if you were to ask the lighting question in one thread, and the other question about the protein skimmer...
  8. trigger11

    Stocking Question

    Plenty of light then. Since you had put in the cured live rock maybe you only had a mini cycle to begin with. Sounds like you are ready to go fishin' to me.
  9. trigger11

    Stocking Question

    Yes, it does sound a little strange that you havent had the diatom algae yet. I suppose it is possible that you added the inverts at just the time it would have started to grow and kept it in check. (something tells me this wasnt the case though) I am wondering what kind of lighting you have...
  10. trigger11

    Strange Question / Plus a good laugh

    Hello All, I have a strange question. How much does it hurt to be bitten by a butterfly fish? Their beak looks pretty sharp to me. Here is the situation and this should be a good laugh for you. I have had a copperband butterfly for about a month now. He has taken a serious liking for the...
  11. trigger11


    Most of the time a sump is going to be used to hide your heater, and protein skimmer. Additionally, they are beneficial because you do need to have a return pump which will increase your water flow. Water flow is important if you are planning on keeping corals. For a smaller sized tank I would...
  12. trigger11

    Stocking Question

    Have you had the diatom algae outbreak yet? If so then IMO you would be ready to add a fish. Your readings for ammonia and nitrites have been at zero for some time so the tank has apparently cycled. On the other hand, if you havent had the diatoms yet I would need to know how you cycled the...
  13. trigger11

    Algae Growing on Sand

    I cant tell if the algae is just diatoms or the beginning of something more sinister like cyano. It is hard to tell from the pictures. How long have you had the tank up and running? If under 1 month then I would say you have diatom algae which will go away on its own in a couple of weeks. If...
  14. trigger11

    So Now That I Have T5's

    From everything I have read about lighting. (which has been a fair amount) Here is what I think. With T5 lights you should be able to keep most anything in the tank. There might be a few clams out there that might not do as well. As for keeping SPS there shouldnt be any issues there...
  15. trigger11

    no sand fuge?

    IMO it would depend on if you also have a sump or not. If you dont have a sump and only having the fuge then it will collect a bunch of the detritus and stuff that ends up going through the overflow. If you also have a sump then these particles will stay there. At least that is what happened...
  16. trigger11

    new additions ect bored....

    Nice pictures. That's too bad about your mushroom rock. It looked beautiful before the hammer put the hammer down on it.
  17. trigger11

    Aiptasia's for a 1,000 time

    I have a copperband butterfly in my 55G reef and he has done a pretty good job. He didnt eat any aiptasia until he was in the tank for about a week. He slurped up every feather duster I had though. I have also heard they pick on clams. But other than that are pretty reef safe. Now, he has...
  18. trigger11

    Cycling Question new to saltwater

    Yes, I would agree with skeletoncowbow to do a water change before putting in the LR. Probably 5G aught to do the trick. You might get some good hitchhikers on the LR and you dont want that to die off. LSU, No offense but please re-read your post. The OP said they were going to return the...
  19. trigger11

    Changing to a Reef Tank

    For a 20G tank I would get a Current USA Sunpod. Either 150W or 250W. This is a MH light that also has moonlights on it. I loved the way mine worked until I upgraded to a larger tank.
  20. trigger11

    Cycling Question new to saltwater

    Here are my suggestions. Please take the damsels back to the store as soon as possible. It is no longer necessary to cycle a tank using fish. The levels of ammonia that a tank goes through while cycling will burn the gills of the fish. (There are other ways to introduce ammonia to begin the...