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  1. trigger11

    Question about evaporation

    Picture it like this. Here is an extreme example. DT is empty. Return pump in fuge is pumping water up to the DT. While the return pump is pumping it is lowering the water level in the fuge as the DT starts filling up. In order to be able to get the DT full of water you would have to add...
  2. trigger11

    My first tank

    Nice looking tank. I like how you have all of the open areas for the fish to swim through in your rockwork.
  3. trigger11

    Copperband Butterfly

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 Ok - he was great at the LFS all over the place. He was there for 4 weeks so there were no signs of sickness. I guess that he is just getting acclimated. Ill keep you all up to date. I have a copperband butterfly and he is always going all over the place...
  4. trigger11

    Macroalgaes, good for tank?

    Good question. For the most part you will want a macroalgae such as Caulerpa to be in a refugium. It can grow pretty fast and you need to weed it out every once in a while to avoid die off. Plus, as it grows fast it will cover up corals if it is in the DT. I would highly recommend having some...
  5. trigger11

    Dh bringing home the 55 gallon

    Originally Posted by B-Baby80 Need advice.It has the LS and some LR with it.Advice on setting up please.I don't want to kill the LS or rock.Do i just mix the water as usual? or what? I am really confused with your post. What is Dh? Could you give a little more background with what you...
  6. trigger11

    TMY880 150 Tank Diary

    Congratulations on the new tank. You were right. It definitely had potential and I think it will look pretty sweet when you are done. One suggestion I might make would be to get like a 40G transfer tank. Unless you have a good size QT that you always have to put your fish in. It is amazing...
  7. trigger11

    First Coral Picture

    Nize Zzzzzoooos. Looks like they are opened up pretty nicely to me.
  8. trigger11

    what fish to get

    Originally Posted by eelfan77 I have a 55 gallon fish only aquarium with some live rock. Right now I have a snowflke eel, vermiculated anglfish, and 4 damsels. Im looking to get another fish in about 2 weeks, I just dont know which fish to get. Right now im looking at either a panther grouper...
  9. trigger11

    Live rock addition without cycle?

    If the rock looks good I would just move it over without rinsing it. If it looks nasty then you could use a new toothbrush and rinse with saltwater.
  10. trigger11

    How many Powerheads?

    The number of powerheads you need will be determined by what you are planning on keeping in the tank. If just FOWLR then you really dont need much. A good rule of thumb when looking at how many powerheads are needed is looking at the turnover rate (X). Turnover Rate (X) = Gallons Per Hour (GPH)...
  11. trigger11

    Live rock addition without cycle?

    As long as the rock is cured you could add it anytime. I believe the key factor is always keeping the rock in water. For example, if you buy rock from a LFS and you do not get it in a bucket with water, maybe in a plastic bag without any water, then you will get die off. In your case you have...
  12. trigger11

    Woot! First fish and coral!

    Congratulations on your first inhabitants. Let the addiction begin.
  13. trigger11

    i really need help getting started

    Probably somewhere around 7-8 hours. A rule of thumb I have used is I will try to leave them on for as long as I can. There will be a point where you will have them on for too long and extra algae starts growing wild. So then just cut them back about a half hour from there.
  14. trigger11

    Can I support a Mandarin

    It sounds to me like your set up should support a mandarin. Especially since you say you are seeing pods all of the time in the fuge. I have had a mandarin for a month and he is doing well. I have had my 55G tank set up for about 9 months now as well. I have a 30G sump/fuge that has about...
  15. trigger11

    lawn mower blennie died?

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I love lawnmower blennies. They have a lot of character. If all of the water conditions were ok then there could be the possibility he didnt get enough to eat. Lawnmower blennies have a voracious appettite for algae. Were you putting in any algae sheets for a...
  16. trigger11

    My set up - Advice needed - WARNING long!!

    Here is your dilemma as best I can tell. (Large tank in below statements refers to a 6ft tank) Yellow tang - Requires large tank Blue Hippo - Requires large tank Koran Angel - Requires large tank (Not reef safe) Picasso Trigger - Requires large tank. Very aggressive Lionfish - Aggressive The...
  17. trigger11

    Starting my tank....need your advice

    Originally Posted by Uncheels Thanks for the reply and advice.... I definately want a larger, flatter tank in the future, but I used to have this as a freshwater tank and when I moved it gave me a reason to start a saltwater. So I plan on working out my n00bie status with this tank... then...
  18. trigger11

    Are any large angelfish reef safe?

    Originally Posted by jpnewreefe Hey people with copperbands did they bother dusters. Mine did. Within 2 minutes of being put into the tank a feather duster was the first thing he ate.
  19. trigger11

    Starting my tank....need your advice

    I agree you should not add a manderin unless you have a refugium. And even then you need to have that running for 6 months or so to build up a good population of copepods for him to eat. Alternatively you could get a manderin if and only if you see him eat other foods such as mysis shrimp at...
  20. trigger11

    small clam hitchhikers

    I had a little clam like that as well one time when I bought some LR. He lived for about 3 weeks or so. He was growing in size so I believe he was getting whatever food he needed to. In the end I think it was a hermit crab that ate him. There always seemed to be a hermit crab near it trying...