i started with a wet/dry bio ball set up took them out after 2 months 1/3 1/3 1/3 been running now 9 months with out them and have never seen any nitrate readings on my test kits
3. My anemonie finally attached!!! He is sitting on a small rock in the corner. Can I move the rock a little, or will he be upset and de-attach?
i would not move the rock it usually takes them some time to find a place they are happy with your anemone picked that spot for a reason
don't buy a tank, forget about the mantis,
take the money u saved from not doing so and get that 2 month old ro/di unit hooked up and working so u can give the fish u have no better water quality :D
just buy some plexiglass and glue it together presto u got your tank,
or look on the boards for someone that has a old sump they are selling cheap
or go into a big petstore some of those inexpenisve started kits are plexiglass and u will get a lid and lights also
besides any small tanks u might use for a mantis shrimp are going to be inexpensive and the glass is going to be thin, i would look around a bit more for a acrlic tank? what happened to the one u were getting ?
well water change won't get rid of it,
hypo will , a water change is not going to hurt u could try some food soaked in garlic or vitamins
is your water outta whack at all that would make him start to stress? how is the trates and ph ?
u need to get some water movement on the surface so that water goes thru your over flow and then thru the filters do u have a return pump? trying adjusting it or taking one of your powerheads mount it sideways so u can aim the water stream towards the surface
i got the same problem in my 200, my water parms are all perfect and i use ro/di water , here is what i am doing and has helped a bit i thru 2 extra powerheads in for now , put some snails in emeral crabs in as well the emperator angel seems to be doing a great job at eating alot...
well i assume that your trites were 0 before u added the anemones is this correct ?
perhaps one of them is dead ?
i would prob do another water change if it were my tank trites should be -0- nothing else,
what size tank is this ? do u have LR , LS what type of filters?
what else is in the...
how old is your tank and what is in it, u did say you nitItes were in the red , anything in the tank missing , trites in any tank are not good, perhaps u added some rock or sand and u are experence a mini cycle, did your tank cycle initally ?
yes all bulkheads are a little different that is the pain about them, yes if u start grinding u know what is going to happen, as far as the thread well even if are off 1/16 .0625 the deapth of thread depending on size is going to be .032-.04 per side u might get away with it hard to tell...
yes you are just using plain top off water not salt a 10 gallon tank i would do prob 1/2- 3/4 gallon changes 2-3 times aday spread out of the course of the day, keep a eye on your ph as it will want to drop on you, make sure u are using a accurate SG reader