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  1. ekclark

    agrocrete curing

    I just made my first batch of this stuff last night and I was wondering if anyone knows any tricks for the curing process? I am thinking I will just put it in a tub in the backyard and try to change the water every few days. I hear some thing about adding vinegar, but I have no idea what this...
  2. ekclark

    Puppy Posse

    That is kid heaven...heck, I think hanging with a bunch of little puppies is still my heaven (but you'd need to add those Victoria Secret Angels to make it complete )
  3. ekclark

    Coral Banded and Cleaner Shrimps

    I recently added a cbs and he doesn't bother my other shrimp, but I think he may have eaten my midas blenny. These guys are predators and it is kind of hit or miss with their behavior. They have some nasty claws and aren't afraid to use them.
  4. ekclark

    Welcome to the Clownfish Forum

    Beth, I have a tomato too. For anyone thinking of grabbing one, keep in mind that they are cool, but they can be hell raisers. I have a yellow tang that is double the size of my tomato and will not push her (I am guessing it is a her by now) too far when they disagree. I heard about the nasty...
  5. ekclark

    Aarone, Meow & Love

    Meow, what are you doing?!?!? Well, I guess you're finished around these parts. Been nice knowing ya.:D
  6. ekclark

    made my own rock now ?

    I am trying to make mine with the mix that comes from garf site. It won't mix right. I think I will try some good old portland cement, type one I guess:notsure: , and I will see if that will work.
  7. ekclark

    neon gobies

    That's too bad. Maybe I have to wait on these little guys.
  8. ekclark

    made my own rock now ?

    did you use sand in your mix? I just tried making some with crushed coral and it doesn't seem to be working. I did 4 parts cc and one part cement mix. What did you use?
  9. ekclark

    neon gobies

    Do these guys get a pass from other fish because they will clean? What I am trying to ask is...will other fish make these guys a snack? My tomato ate my yellow watchman goby (and tried to feed it to my colt:nope: ) and I am worried these little guys would suffer the same fate. Thanks.
  10. ekclark

    chicago area fish trade?

    I have a pair of fish, tomato clown and diadema (aka flashback grama), and I am looking to trade them for a different fish or something. They are both healthy and have great color, they just need to be with some more aggresive fish than I want now. I have had them both for two years. The...
  11. ekclark

    poetry contest

    Here is one I had to write for a Brit. Lit course. It has to follow all the ballad rules, kind of tough, but here it is.... The Jenkins Hound In Kildare Town the cannons cough And widows weep and wail, T’is there you’ll find a Celtic hound Red Teeth, red tongue, red tail. John Jenkins was a...
  12. ekclark

    Maroon clown bigger than an oscar!!!

    :sleepy: Waiting!!! Maybe she could teach my tomato some manners.
  13. ekclark

    Yellow Tang?

    I don't want to get in a tang fight i will just tell you what mine likes to eat. I give mine a strip of brown nori every other day. Get the dries, not the roasted. He loves the stuff and attacks it as soon as i put it in. I also give him shrimp, flake, brine, plankton, and algae...
  14. ekclark

    Selling Everything

    How much for the lr?
  15. ekclark

    what is a easy coral to keep

    Colts are great and easy to keep. Great coral to learn to frag with.
  16. ekclark

    The worst thing my kid came home and said...

    I teach kindergarten and I had a girl come up to me weeping. She handed me her mitten, it was soaking wet, and I asked her what was wrong. She told me it fell into the toilet after she had "pottied". That was tough way to start a day:scared:
  17. ekclark

    any info on Chalk basslet????

    Count me with the confused members...does anyone have experience with these guys? I have read they are nice little guys that can be in groups. First hand stories please!
  18. ekclark

    yellow tangs

    find some dried (not baked) nori. I found mine at an asian grocery store. My yellow can't stop eating this stuff.
  19. ekclark

    Being taken over by snails

    Buy a few blue leg hermits...they'll kill off your snails in no time:D