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  1. ekclark

    homework survey

    thanks 007---I am getting my masters in education at depaul in chicago. It can be prety dull. Thanks for the really good feedback. I should have been more clear--I need pointers on the questions, the data at this point is useless. Thanks to everybody.
  2. ekclark

    homework survey

    I had to write a lame survey for a research methods class and I was wondering if you all would take a look and tell me what you think. Be picky. 1)Do you currently run a protein skimmer? A. YesB. No 2)Do you currently have a refugium connected to your system? A. YesB. No 3)Do you grow macro...
  3. ekclark

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    I am with Beth--I bought sveral of these over a year ago and I now have one, but it is doing fine and does the work of a dozen "normal" turbos. I keep my tank at about 79 degrees. I do not think I have found a snail species that I expect to live for a dozen years.
  4. ekclark

    155 bowfront stand specs?

    Has anyone built their own for one of these? If so, I would love to see the specs! Just bought one from another member and need to make my own. Thanks.
  5. ekclark

    Are Hamilton technology lights good

    I have a 2 110 watt system that is 2 1/2 years old--never had a problem and they look much brighter than my 400 watts of pc.
  6. ekclark

    cleaning a ps2

    I don't think I have been rough on it...but it did live in a fraternity house for a year. How do I adjust the laser head and is it worth it? Should I just wait for the next system to come out in a year or whatever?
  7. ekclark

    Firefish plus fridmani plus yellow watchman goby will they get along?

    I have a purple firefish, diadema, and yellow watchman in the same 125--they can get pretty nasty. Poor little watchman has torn fins and can't seem to find my pistol shrimp:nope:
  8. ekclark

    cleaning a ps2

    My ps2 is driving me crazy. It is three years old and doesn't work very well anymore. It won't play some brand new dvds and freezes on new games. The older games I don't even try. Is this just what happens when these get a few years old or can I take it apart and clean it? Anyone know how...
  9. ekclark

    Lagoonal Reef

    Bang, you need to write 2 books--one on this project and a second on reef bugs. I think if you just did some home publishing on your bug notes a lot of people here would be happy to pay you for them. Just a thought for when you are less busy:thinking: Edit--just saw your post in fish room--you...
  10. ekclark

    Lagoonal Reef

    Bang, you need to write 2 books--one on this project and a second on reef bugs. I think if you just did some home publishing on your bug notes a lot of people here would be happy to pay you for them. Just a thought for when you are less busy:thinking: Edit--just saw your post in fish room--you...
  11. ekclark

    ATTN: Bang Guy = 10,000

    Thanks for everything, Bang!!!
  12. ekclark


    You do not need to to cure it--it has no life on it. Some people like to "season" it in sw before they add it to get some bacteria growth on it, but you don't have to. A lot of people get it from hirocks, myself included, and you can find them on ---- or their website.
  13. ekclark

    water flow to the front of the tank ?'s

    I just added one the shoots current on the side of tank--in other words--I was having the same problem so I added a big ph on the middle of the side of the tank. This way it blows across the front of the lr and sand, but I can hide it a little better. HTH
  14. ekclark


    I couldn't figure out why mine kept dying. I thought I just had bad luck with them or something, until I caught my diadema pulling on one and eating it! I have one left, but I guess I will just have to do without them until my fish passes on.
  15. ekclark

    xenia fuge keepers

    I am thinking of adding some xenia into my fuge for nitrate export...I have a 13 watt pc light over one of those cpr hang on refuges--do you think it will grow under that? It is only a few inches off the surface of the water. Will 24/7 lighting mess the coral up? How has this worked for...
  16. ekclark

    Attn: Kip

    It is a shame when old timers leave. Some of Rye's old picture albums could have RIP over some good members. Sigh, it seems like only yesterday it took 50 posts to even become a peppermint shrimp and back then we weren't even sure Bang really had a 900 gallon refuge
  17. ekclark

    Dihydro monoxide in my tank!!!!

    no, I don't think anyone is biting...oh well, had to throw in one lame gag for the day:)
  18. ekclark

    aptasia in fuge... help

    pepps will eat pods and sand bugs if they get hungry enough. Keep them fed and it isn't a problem. I have a pair of them and they behave for the most part.
  19. ekclark

    Dihydro monoxide in my tank!!!!

    Thanks mav. I have a lot of work on my hands.
  20. ekclark

    Dihydro monoxide in my tank!!!!

    I am kind of freaking out here...I know that this stuff is going to end up in our tanks--even r/o can't get it all, but I am getting concerned about its long term effects. In its pure form, it will kill everything in my system. It even has been known to cause tissue damage to people in its...