Search results

  1. coxy101

    Glass tank cover? Canopy?

    We have 4 x 95 watt (2 10K and 2 actinic) VHO (36'') lights in a closed hood (except in the back). We put a sheet of acrylic over the tank with a 3 inch clearing in the back because we have a HOB skimmer, etc. The VHOs seem to stay relatively cool in the hot weather (it's gets in the 90's in...
  2. coxy101

    New Tank

    The easiest thing to do is look up specific questions using the search feature. There are so many threads like this, so it's probably easiest to search for answers to specific questions like lighting: Metal Halide (MH) vs. Power Compacts (PC) vs. Very High Output (VHO) vs. Standard Flourescents...
  3. coxy101

    Entered daughter in photo contest, please vote

    10! PS: Not cheating... she really is a 10. Cute!
  4. coxy101

    cycle 3 weeks in to it

    My water parameters are almost the same and I'm almost 3 weeks into the cycle --- got 25 lbs of LR from SWF and had a sandbed (seeded with LS) going for a week prior to the LR coming in the mail. I have a 45 gallon tank. I can't tell if the ammonia spiked because my salifert test kits didn't...
  5. coxy101

    Best clownfish?

    My husband and I are starting up a 45 gallon FOWLR - eventually to be a reef. We're at the end of the tank cycle and hopefully by next weekend we'll be ready for our first inhabitant: our clownfish! We have about 55 lbs of rock and plan on having in addition to a single or pair of clowns - 2...
  6. coxy101

    Adding Sand to Tank

    Yeah - it will produce an insane cloud! I agree with the bucket advice...
  7. coxy101

    Maroon Clown digging

    My clown did that too! Drove me nuts! I had all of these bare spots all over the tank where he hung out. (It was kind of cute, though)
  8. coxy101

    What's up with the sand?

    I bought 45 lbs of crushed coral sand for a (what I think) hefty price - $45. My LFS threw in 3 lbs of live sand from their reef aquarium to seed the bed. I just wish the LFS would have told us that it was going to take over a week for the sand to start to settle!! When the live rock came in...
  9. coxy101

    Lagoonal Reef

    Another bump - Awesome!
  10. coxy101

    Lagoonal Reef

    Another bump - Awesome!
  11. coxy101

    LR in michigan?

    I'm looking for some good LR in Michigan, too. Fish Doctors in Ann Arbor has gone REALLY downhill - went there yesterday to get some and it all looked like baserock but they were selling it for fiji rock prices... Ended up buying my LR from SWF - Let me know if you find a good store.
  12. coxy101

    what fish is suitable fo a twenty gallon tank

    I had a 20 gallon for awhile and had, in addition to many corals, a little percula clownfish and a damsel. I didn't like the damsel and eventually found a new home for him (too aggressive), but the percula did great. I wouldn't recommend much more than like 2 really small fish, especially if...