Search results

  1. coxy101

    30-45 Gallon SaltWater Tank

    Yep - throw in a cocktail shrimp and watch it rot. Look up threads on the tank cycle and it will explain to you what you're doing and when you can finally add some live inhabitants. You can slowly add LR. Start off with a couple pieces and add as you get the money. If you're not planning on...
  2. coxy101

    Question about my tank

    Eeks! Don't get the tang. Everyone falls into the "I'll upgrade to a larger tank soon" or "I'll sell him back when he gets big". Why would you buy a fish knowing he's going to outgrow your tank? It's like adopting a dog knowing that you're going to give him to the pound when he's not a puppy...
  3. coxy101

    30-45 Gallon SaltWater Tank

    Hmmm... before you make any decisions on tank size, filtration, etc - you need to first make decisions on what you want as a tank. Do you want a fish only tank? Are you eventually going to want corals, etc? This will impact your decision of tank size and filtration because they require...
  4. coxy101

    Clean up?

    Carp - you're right! He is slow! :) Perhaps he's defective and I should return him to the LFS telling them that they sold me a "special" (wink, wink) conch... Just kidding _ I love him brains or not...
  5. coxy101

    Adding Southdown

    I know some people use regular playsand (not carribean, like South Down) and say they don't have problems, but an old roommate of mine used playsand with silica and it turned into a CRAZY ALGAE tank. Insane! I just laughed at him because he spent more money on "clean up" than on buying the...
  6. coxy101

    Clean up?

    For my 45 I got 6 nassarius snails, 12 turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 fighting conch. I wish I would have known that fighting conchs are the arguably that dumbest SW animal... they often wedge themselves in rockwork and get stuck so you end up pulling your aquarium...
  7. coxy101

    B&W and Percs

    B&W and Ocellaris are the same fish (like everyone's been saying) - just different colorations. I have a (what I call) chocolate ocellaris and a (normal) ocellaris. They're best buds.
  8. coxy101

    Clownfish Question

    Well, your situation might be related to acclimation - but sometimes clowns just act a little "clowny". Mine sleeps funny at the top of the tank sideways like he's dead - but livens up when the lights are on and act normal. Sometimes he has lazy days when he just hangs out in one spot and only...
  9. coxy101

    Southdown in MI

    Just thought I would let everyone know that they have TONS of Southdown sand at the Home Depot in Ann Arbor, MI. Just bought a bag there for my refugium...
  10. coxy101

    frozen food

    I take a 5 cc syringe of water from the tank and I put it in a little shot glass with some frozen food (cyclop-eeze - or something similar) and a drop of Kent Garlic Xtreme. I mix it all together and inject (without the needle) it in the aquarium, especially where I want it. The fish DEVOUR it!
  11. coxy101


    I don't know exactly what they do - but people say that they will spread if you try to cut them in half or anything. I didn't give them time - I just got a syringe from work and I injected them with calcium carbonate (just a tiny) - it killed them instantly - some people mention injecting them...
  12. coxy101

    Miracle Mud

    It took about a week for SWF to send our live rock, but we did receive it 2nd day mail. We got Fiji LR (25 lbs) - the pieces were GREAT - about 4 LARGE pieces and several small pieces (almost like rubble rock). There was TONS of dieoff (the stuff smelled pretty bad) which was good to get our...
  13. coxy101

    Miracle Mud

    STW - just so you know and don't freak out: it took my tank about 1 1/2 weeks for the sand to settle. I took people's advice and asked my LFS for some live sand to "seed" my bed and help the sand settle. I don't know if it helped. But after that, anytime I moved anything it would kick up a...
  14. coxy101

    Miracle Mud

    All I know about the Miracle Mud is that my LFS (who is quick to sell ANYTHING) told me that it's expensive dirt and not worth the money. He recommended that I put my money into live sand. HTH
  15. coxy101

    Go Pistons!

    Just wanted to rub it in a bit... :joy: Detroit won it 4-1!
  16. coxy101


    Talking about tanks in apartments. I'm finally getting back into the hobby after a used tank I bought from my LFS exploded after a month or so on my 3rd floor apartment. The 2nd floor tried to sue me for damages to her computer and TV and the 1st floor was #$)%# because their couch got a...
  17. coxy101

    Go Pistons!

    Who says the Pistons will win 4 games to 1? Shoulds have been a sweep! Ouch, Lakers! hee hee! P-I-S-T-O-N-S!
  18. coxy101

    Bang Guy or someone?

    Thanks so much for responding! I'll try that --- I'll post how they're doing. Today I tried to just crush up flakes, but they just spit them out. Their mouths are so small that it's hard to see if they're eating.
  19. coxy101

    Bang Guy or someone?

    I know we should have waited... but we couldn't resist! They seem to be doing fine but it's been hard to feed them 2 times a day and to get close to them in such a large (in comparison) tank. Tonight we got one of them to get really close to the syringe and eat --- we'll try again tomorrow...
  20. coxy101

    Bang Guy or someone?

    What should we feed some TINY baby B&W percs? We went to our LFS to get our first inhabitants - planning on getting 2 percs. They didn't have any adults, but have a breeding program and a batch was getting big enough to be sold soon --- so she gave us a pretty good deal on two black and white...