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  1. rusting

    Frickin!! Phosphates!!!

    Originally Posted by WHO DEY hello everyone!! My RO water reads 0 phos as it should and my tank reads .4mg/L. I have always used ro and i am having hair algae issues. I just recently upgraded from biowheels to a full sump system and coralife super skimmer (thank god) So what is causing my phos...
  2. rusting

    Just for the fun of it.... T5 VS MH

    Originally Posted by reefiness here we go a poll just to see what people on this people think without needing to read through a huge post like the one floating around here. I have both, on my 120 gal. for a total of 824 watts.Looks great i.m.o. for my tank
  3. rusting

    What is this thing I found in my tank?

    Originally Posted by Kreckner I was looking at my tank last night and noticed this guy sludging along on a small piece of live rock. I've never seen it before and it is quite peculiar looking. I took it and the peice of rock it was on out of my tank and put it in its own container. I'm...
  4. rusting


    Originally Posted by craigbrown i found turning the lights out does not work i found this stuff cald phosphate filter it works great it will be gone in a few days comes with 2 pads put one in the filter for 24 hrs and put the powder in change the pad and take it out after another 24hrs and watch...
  5. rusting

    ro unit question.

    It is waste water, and goes down the drain.
  6. rusting

    Calcium Is 240!!! Please Help...

    Originally Posted by drjay50000 well my ph is 8.2 and i did a water change about a month ago. i change about 20 gal. should i do a water change more often? will that make it go up to 400 - 450? that is where i need to be right? IMO you should do a 20% water change every week. Your tank will be...
  7. rusting

    UV Filter ... To use or not to use...

    Originally Posted by KingNai I have a 55 gallon reef tank and a 36w uv filter I haven't hooked up yet... Can you please post some of your opinions as to if I should use it or not. Thanks, -Ian If it is a reef tank, then IMO no. A UV. will also kill good bacteria.
  8. rusting

    found penny in my tank

    Originally Posted by KOgle I was looking behind some of the rock work in my tank yesterday and found a penny that looks as if it's been in there a while. As mad as it made me to find it I was almost happy. I use the "happy" word loosley. I've been having trouble with my set up for the past 6...
  9. rusting

    breaking up live rock

    Originally Posted by emm0909 I've got a ton of liverock from a larger tank but I have a bunch of smaller tanks. I was thinking to breaking up some of the larger rocks so that I could have more structure in the tanks. Is there anything I should know before I start cracking them appart? I was...
  10. rusting


    Originally Posted by Laddy IMO you don't need the purple up at all. I agree.
  11. rusting


    You may need new bulbs, if they are 1yr. old
  12. rusting

    heater recomendations

    I think it,s 3 watts per gal. The package should tell you what size per gal.
  13. rusting

    I think I just found a chiton

    Theyare reef safe , and are good algea eaters
  14. rusting

    Water changes

    I.M.O. 20% weekly will keep your tank healthy.
  15. rusting


    Originally Posted by saltydog21 I am being over run with the stuff. I have two Tangs, several crabs,wrasse,angel fish. I leave my lights on for 8 hrs, I use test strips to check my water and it all seems to be fine. What can cause such a growth of alge and how can I keep it under control. I...
  16. rusting

    new reef tank ?

    Originally Posted by keith burn I move from 55gal to 75gal ALL at one time l/r,corals,fish and all is well... and added new s/w just like 1/4 water change in 55gal Sounds good to me. All should be fine
  17. rusting

    NEW Tank just Arrived

    Nice tank.
  18. rusting

    Finding Nemo in the Pet Store

    It,s a movie, get over it, My Grandchildern love the movie,and my tank. It helps a lot with the wife.
  19. rusting


    I would cut back on feeding, Tangs will graze off your live rock. Try doing, a 25% water change every week.
  20. rusting

    red algae

    Originally Posted by shobby I have red algae covering everything. I try to scoop it up but it just tears apart and regrows. I have also use SAT but it doesn't help. What can I do to stop the problem? HELP!!!! Shelley :help: Try more water flow. Food and poop, will turn into cyno if not...