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  1. rusting

    Freakin' huge aiptasia

    A Kline butterfly will take care of it
  2. rusting


    Originally Posted by chris0799 how do u get rid of cyto-bacteria? Red slime remover, I think it is called cemclean. I've used it and it work great, and it"s reef safe. Having said that you need to find out why you have slime. It may be not enough flow, water changes, or over feeding. I hope...
  3. rusting

    skin falling off leather

    I don't think carbon will help that leather. You might frag it,if you do it soon.
  4. rusting

    skin falling off leather

    How did you acclimate it ? If the store has diffrent parameters than you, it should be done slowly. It looks to me like it is not going to make it.
  5. rusting

    algea problem

    Originally Posted by kypitbull I got green hair and red slim. I started doing more frequent water changes. I cutting back on my light from 10 hours a day to 8. nothing is helping. If i but my 3 corals in another tank for a week and run my tank for a week with no light then clean it real good...
  6. rusting

    Goniopora killed my emerald crab?

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 I found my emerald out on the face of some rock today, just above my goniopora. The crab usually doesn't come out much, but I didn't think much of it. But then I realized a little later that it was face down, touching the goniopora, and had not moved at all since...
  7. rusting

    Electric company and your reef

    Originally Posted by reef46 I thought it would be interesting to see what people pay a month in electric bills to support our addictions. Lets post what your setup is (size, lights, ect.) and what your bill is. Ohh and for what it's worth lets see some pics! I am just curious because my...
  8. rusting

    fighting conch

    Originally Posted by alix does anyone know how big these guys get? ive had one for like 5 months and hes almost doubled in size... very cool though I've had mine about 4 years, and he is around 4". I think that is as big as they get.
  9. rusting

    anemone question

    Originally Posted by Tarrahsmom I got a anemone this weekend and I can't seem ti find anything about it anywhere. it is yellow and has very short tenticals. What is it? Anyone know? Do you have a picture?
  10. rusting

    cyano question

    Originally Posted by ric maniac in my new tank i have a bit of cyano bacteria. not a lot but it will spread. i got al my levels normal because they were out of wack. i was wondering two questions: what inverts (preferably snails) eat cyano and how well does chemi clean work? thanks You may...
  11. rusting

    chromis question

    Originally Posted by dskrezyna When I setup my 180g at the end of the year I had planned on getting a school of chromis. Can I mix blue reef chromies with green chromies to make the school (i.e. 3green, 2blue) and will they stay a school or go their separate ways? I would try 15 or 20. You will...
  12. rusting

    Bubble Coral

    Originally Posted by arkreefer I dont have alot of experience with LPS. I was just wandering if 2x65 1x12k and one actinic. Over a 25 tall would be sufficient lighting for a bubble coral? They like moderate to strong lighting, but will be low light conditions. It sounds like you have...
  13. rusting

    mandarin blenny

    Try the mandarin goby. They are reef safe, but need lots of live rock, and should only be added to a tank that has been set up for 6 months to a year. IMO
  14. rusting


    Originally Posted by renogaw I saw a beautiful purple trunicate (sp?) at the lfs for manageable money. they said its a type of sponge, but i'm finding it hard to find much info on them. there's conflicting info in what i can find as well--safe and not safe for tanks, easy and not easy to care...
  15. rusting

    Fox Coral

    Originally Posted by Dallas03 Are these easy to keep? How much light do they need? And do they grow fast? Last question typically how long do they last if well taken care of? 55 gal 80lbs LR 7 months old 55W t-5 130W PC 50/50 I have two in my 120. They are easy to keep, and need little care. I...
  16. rusting

    Sea Salt

    Originally Posted by Vpotts28 I am starting up my first 55gal salt FO tank. What sea salt would you recommend? I know that the products in this hobby are highly debated, but your opinion will go along way. I see that the kent sea salt is a fairly good price for the 200 gallon bucket. Is this...
  17. rusting

    My new additions & new underwater camara

    nice pics.
  18. rusting

    Firefish hides a lot

    Originally Posted by Tiberius Oh, I am not worried about that. He does come out everyday to eat. He is cute when he gets his little belly! But, I would like to see him out more often. Just wondering if anybody currently has 2 in the tank. If they stay together or are on different sides of...
  19. rusting

    "Dirty" tank...what eats detritus?

    Originally Posted by dynagirl I have a rotating powerhead, another powerhead, return flow from my refugium, and 2 returns from my sump so I think I have plenty of flow. It is a 54 gallon corner tank so it is a bit of an odd shape. My water parameters are great: ammonia & nitrite=0, nitrate=0-2...
  20. rusting

    QT a shrimp?

    Originally Posted by ninjamini Would you QT a shrimp? What disease can they bring to the tank? IMO no I would not. I know of no disease, they may have.