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  1. rusting

    "Dirty" tank...what eats detritus?

    Originally Posted by dynagirl When I look at photos of other people's tanks, the always look "cleaner" than mine. My live rock and sand look "dusty" in places...I am assuming this is detritus? What creatures are the best at reducing this stuff? Currently in my 54 reef tank I have about 10...
  2. rusting

    Marine Salt...YOUR Favorite ??

    Originally Posted by weatherman I have a beautiful coral reef tank, 150 gallons, and have constantly used Coralife Marine Salt. Has anyone had better success with any other type? Are there better types out there or are they all just about the same? Just curious. Would sure like to use the...
  3. rusting


    Originally Posted by hawk fish this is a stupid question i have had my reef for 2 years now and im just making sure what should my salinity be??? mine is (1.020 I keep mine at 1.026
  4. rusting

    A Question of Weight?

    Originally Posted by D.W. Is it possible to have a 125-150g tank in anything other than a basement if the place was built after the 80's? I've seen it done with a 200g in an apartment, but I'm paranoid that it would go crashing through the floor! I would love to hear everybody's opinion. Thanx...
  5. rusting

    need new fish suggestion

    Originally Posted by WangoTango well my male clownfish jumpped the other day, so now im down to a blue damsel, black and white damsel, six-line wrasse, and a bicolor blenny in my 55 reef. im getting rid of the black and white striped damsel due to aggression (think thats why both my clowns ended...
  6. rusting

    Coral Beauty in a Reef Tank

    Originally Posted by Johnny84 Hey everyone, I need your opinions.....Those of you that have Coral Beauty's I need to know if they show signs of aggression and if they nip at your corals. I have a very peaceful tank right now and would like to know what you all think about the Coral Beauty's...
  7. rusting


    Originally Posted by Nick76 Well Id suggest more Flow, probably like 500-600 gph in powerheads. Cut back on your lighting from 12 hours to 9 or 10. Also try to stir the top layer of your sad now n then with a tukey baster or a dropper. Nick, it's not a good idea to stir your sand bed.
  8. rusting

    Yellow bellied damsels

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I bought them once. They are the same as yellow tails as far as aggressiveness goes. Thanks, if they are like yellow tail, I'm going to pass on them.
  9. rusting

    Yellow bellied damsels

  10. rusting


    Originally Posted by fisherkid91 ok thank you very much i will get that and hopefully it will take care of the hair and slime algae, just one more thing, i have some kind of clear-brown, jelly like algae growing. they flow around and trap bubbles. any idea what it is and/or how to get rid of...
  11. rusting


    Originally Posted by fisherkid91 i only just bought about 12lbs of live rock a few weeks ago, i dont hav much clean up crew yet just an arrow crab and couple hermits. What would you recommend buying? A lot of snails, 1 per gal. for now and 1 lbs. of live rock per gal.
  12. rusting

    New Tank Cyano?

    Originally Posted by SLUGG3R I change out 10% weekly with RO water. When doing that I siphon the cyano out as much as possible. I don't think I have a nutrient problem because I have almost zero algea. If anything I am worried about not having enough. Try 20% water change and get more flow at...
  13. rusting


    Originally Posted by fisherkid91 yes to the RO water, i guess i cud be feeding to much i only hav 1 damsel because my fish died from ich a few weeks ago, i only feed it one pinch of flakes. Could the flakes be a cause of the algae? Try to get more water flow at the bottom of your tank, a pair...
  14. rusting

    Is there any toby puffer that is not really aggresive and won't eat shrimp?

    Originally Posted by jfingers088 and one more question can any type of toby puffer get along with others in a peaceful tank if yes which ones? Part 2 to the question are there any that won't eat inverts including shrimp because i have 2 cleaners and a tiger pistol? Great fish, but he will eat...
  15. rusting

    Yellow bellied damsels

    Originally Posted by Nick76 All Damsels except for the Chromis kind are realitvly nasty. I just finally ridded my tank of them...Never again will I put one of those monsters in my tank. Thanks for your reply. I too have had damsel trouble, but was wondering about this kind of damsel.
  16. rusting

    Foxface in 90 gallon yes or no?

    Originally Posted by jfingers088 i have a 90 gallon and wanted to get a foxface in the future. For fish right now i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 lawnmower blenny and i yellow watchman goby. For future fish i want a firefish goby, flame angel and mandarin but that...
  17. rusting


    Originally Posted by fisherkid91 i dont know what you mean by over feeding? i just put a power head in for some more water flow and i use purified water Is the water purified by RO/DI? Over feeding means just that. Dose a lot of food fall to the bottom not eaten? Do you have c.c. a sand bed...
  18. rusting

    Yellow bellied damsels

    Dose anybody out there have, Yellow bellied damsels. I'd like to know how aggressive they really are.
  19. rusting


    Originally Posted by fisherkid91 Are there any kind of animals at all that eat red slime and/or hair algae? And also i have some kind of algae growing in my tank but i do not know what it is. It is clear-brown colored and the longest peice is a couple inches long, it also has bubbles trapped...
  20. rusting

    -Adding A Lion Fish To A Reef Tank????

    Originally Posted by gmford1979 i had a lionfish in a 50 gallon for over a year, and he never bothered any of my other fish, and some were much smaller. i think, and i am no pro, that if you keep any fish like that fed, they won't bother anything else. i have an eel and everybody told me not...