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  1. rusting

    -Adding A Lion Fish To A Reef Tank????

    Originally Posted by meanteen DO u guys think i shud put a lionfish in my reef tank... what could be the damage He will eat all your smaller fish.
  2. rusting

    Coral beauty

    Originally Posted by theappe I was just curious as to what ppl fed their coral beauts. Mine eats anything I put in, flake, frozen, And pellet.
  3. rusting

    live rock ?

    Originally Posted by jerry all Will Live Rock Make Dead Rock Alive Eventually? And Will The Dead Rock Look Similar To The Live Rock? Yes, it will be colonized by everything in your tank.
  4. rusting

    Store RO/DI Water

    Originally Posted by bonita69 How long can you store this water in jugs before it goes bad? Can you store mixed with salts? When I go on vacation I will need someone to care for my tank so I wanted to know this so they have water to do top offs. A very long time IMO. You should be fine.
  5. rusting

    After 20 months, Is my tank crashing??????

    Originally Posted by bluephi115 There is NO store within 100 miles of me that sales saltwater...sorry but it isnt an option...I use instant ocean with chemicals to remove chlorine and stuff. to the person, TROPILLS, that asked about my parameters.... Nitirites ZERO Nitrates ZERO pH 8.2-8.4...
  6. rusting

    After 20 months, Is my tank crashing??????

    Originally Posted by bluephi115 sorry but there is NO possible way in a 75 gal with this much algae you could just blow it off in teh aqaurium and suck it all sure that may work in a small one with little algae though. I really wish with all the people that are reading this that...
  7. rusting

    Looking at toadstool leather

    Originally Posted by tropills A little :help: needed, I'm looking at a huge leather at my LFS, size is aprox. stem is 12" high , cap is 14" across, they want $75 looks well worth it what do you all think ??? really need to know ASAP Thanks Greg It sounds like a very good price to me. I just...
  8. rusting

    After 20 months, Is my tank crashing??????

    Originally Posted by bluephi115 I have been gone for almost two weeks on business so my wife has been taking care of my aquarium, feeding only every other days, running lights from 8 am to 10 pm. I have been asking her how everything looks and she said great. I get home last night and I was...
  9. rusting

    lots of red algae

    Originally Posted by Debbie I have noticed alot of the dark red coraline algae in my tank. The only thing different is a new light bulb, will this create this coraline algae?? Quite pretty and looks like velvet is this okay to have in a tank?? If you can wipe it off it is cyno, not good to...
  10. rusting

    need help with algea

    Originally Posted by landonb16 replaced bulbs in september and i feed them every other day thin 4 X 4 inch square of sea weed. How about your water changes, are they weekly? I do 20% every week. I had a very bad outbreak a year ago, I changed to a deep sand bed, bought better lighting, added 4...
  11. rusting

    need help with algea

    Originally Posted by landonb16 So it started about 3 months ago and it keeps getting worst and worst. I have tried many things an i just can not seem to get rid of it. here are two pictures of it
  12. rusting

    Red Sea reef salt

    Originally Posted by snookedsteve I am going to be changing to a reef mix my next salt purchase. I found a LFS that carries Red Sea Coral salt mix. It claims to have 450 ppm calcium etc. It also is only $50 a bucket compared to the other reef mixes I found at 60-65. Does anyone use this? If not...
  13. rusting

    Where can I find automatic top off?

    I've got a Kent marine float valve hooked up to my sump, from my my RO/DI. Works great so far, and it was only $30.00
  14. rusting

    New Reef...

    Originally Posted by The Gift Hi All... It's been a while since I have been in the hobby but I just can't take it anymore...ha. So I have decided to start a larger reef...(I used to have a nano). What is a good size. Filtration? Sump/Refugium? Lighting? Metal Halides, PC's what types? So I need...
  15. rusting

    RO/DI water

    Thanks for the replies everyone. My unit doesn't have a splitter, but I think I can work one in, before the DI filters. It shouldn't kill us to drink it for a week or so.
  16. rusting

    RO/DI water

    Is any body out there drinking RO/DI water? I just bought a new unit and there is no outlet for drinking water. I've heard it is not good to drink. Any thoughts?
  17. rusting

    Do U Gfci????

    Smart thing to have.
  18. rusting

    RO water

    RO/DI for me.
  19. rusting

    Algae Eating Fish

    Originally Posted by EmeralCrab They said they didn't want a lawnmower blenny, I have two and I still get algae. Fox face's I guess are great with hair algae but if you have a reef tank they sometimes will eat the LPS's. I was going to get one and then started researching, well decided I...
  20. rusting

    Coralife Light with Moon Light

    Originally Posted by ecooper Folks, I just got a Coralife lighting system this weekend that also has the 4 Lunar LED moonlight bulbs. I have been leaving the moonlights on at night. (It's amazing what I can see now! I had no idea I had that many copipods!) Anyway, the question: Will the...