Search results

  1. rusting

    Algae Issues

    Originally Posted by renisel OK, thanks. I had considered the possibility that the algae was just consuming all the nutrients and that was why I was getting low values on the tests, but I wasn't sure. I guess I'll have to go get myself an RO/DI unit. Thats a good idea.I got mine 1 year ago...
  2. rusting

    Algae Issues

    Originally Posted by renisel What difference will RO/DI and additional circulation make if I don't currently have excess nitrates, phosphates or silicates? If you are having algae problems, it is from something. You can test OK, because the hair algae is using up the bad stuff IMO. I had all...
  3. rusting

    red slime

    Originally Posted by chickadee high nitrates, exposure to too much direct sunlight, high phosphates... the list goes on... To much feeding, not enough flow. Always use RO/DI water.
  4. rusting

    Water changes on a 72 gal

    Originally Posted by junk I'm just getting into the hobby and have reading the The Consientus Aquarist. What I haven't been able to find out yet is any information on what required water changes would be. The reason I ask now is because I've realized that this requirement is going to help...
  5. rusting

    Algae Issues

    Originally Posted by renisel I was only feeding my SFE and my frogfish every 2-3 days, and my clown and chromis twice daily. The frogfish and SFE quickly gulp down all of their food directly from the feeding stick, so there is no waste. When I feed the clown and chromis flakes, the extras are...
  6. rusting

    Algae Issues

    Originally Posted by renisel I've had my 75 gallon reef going for about 5 months and I just recently (in the past month or so) started getting some ridiculous algae problems. I've got red slime and green hair algae covering all parts of the live rock that are exposed to light; you can't see any...
  7. rusting


    I keep mine on 10 hrs.
  8. rusting

    When Do You Perform Water Tests?

    Originally Posted by Waterworld I would like to poll all in when you perform water parameter tests in relation to water changes. Do you test: How often? Half way between water changes? Just after water changes? Just before water changes? Or are there other factors you use in deciding when to...
  9. rusting

    Mixing salt

    Originally Posted by njbeacher I've read all the messages saying to mix the salt water ahead of time and aerate it with a power head for 24 hours. Does this mean circulate it or should the power head be injecting air bubbles too? Thanks Just circulate it.
  10. rusting

    sump wuestion?

    Originally Posted by fish-man-t can u explain plz It is a box that will Siphon water out of your tank into a sump. It hangs on the back of of your tank.Try the DIY page.Siphon
  11. rusting

    Online dating or my marriage in Russia!

    Originally Posted by MartinM I'd like to advise - What to present the loving spouse with on the year happy marriage? I'm solitary. maybe 1.5 year ago- i have found thousands of acquaintances sites with the Russians through the search...and whrever I registed -...
  12. rusting

    sump wuestion?

    Originally Posted by fish-man-t i dont think i can but ill ask anyways, is there a way to have a sump filter without having drilled holes in tank? Yes there is. Use an over flow box.
  13. rusting

    Leaving for the holiday, how do I feed?

    Originally Posted by OCGIRL This is my first post. I have a dilema. The holiday's are comming and I will be away for 4 days, what is the best way to feed my tank while I am away? I don't have anyone who can do it in my absence. I am using a timer for lights, do they make a timer for feeding...
  14. rusting


    Originally Posted by chutneyjh I was wondering if I could get some input on food. I've been having some trouble with brown diatoms, not so much on the sand, but a lot on the rocks and the overflow, etc. Nitrates are also pretty high, around 60. I'm concerned about overfeeding so I wondered if...
  15. rusting

    Cleaner Pack Question

    Originally Posted by teamsleep I have a 55 Gallon Tank that is having some algea problems. It is a brown film all over the glass as well as going onto the sand bed. I know it was caused by the tap water, but I have replaced the water with distilled but it still continues. At this point I have 3...
  16. rusting

    Water Change Question

    Originally Posted by BrendaC I need to know is 15 gallons a week for a water change enough..Out of 125 gallon aquarium?Thanks in advance!! I have a maroon clown and 5 yellow Tangs incase that needs to be known I would say 20 to 25 % a week is better for your tank
  17. rusting

    whats your favorite salt?

    I have been using red sea coral pro formulated for RO water. I like it a lot.
  18. rusting

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by kimry1 I was just rearranging things to make more room. I keep a rubber maid tub and small powerhead for that. It keeps my live rock live.
  19. rusting

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by kimry1 It is dry. I just think that it might be moldy?! Should I rinse it with regular water? Leave it out in the sun? Nothing like the sun. Yes I would rinse it well, and let the sun do the rest. Smell is a good indicator. Why was it out of water?
  20. rusting

    newbie algae help

    Originally Posted by ahmoser Have had my live rock in my 29 biocube for 2 days, the live rock came with green plant like organisms that look like a stemm with tiny bubbles on it. Can anyone help me is this good/bad algae, or something else? Do I need to get rid of it? Thanx It sounds like...