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  1. phoenixfla

    Exotic Aquatics Dallas- DO NOT SHOP THERE!

    Originally Posted by ophiura Many, many LFS wouldn't do even that much for you. Many have no guarantee or anything and it is commonplace. I agree that many LFS would do nothing, however, It does not seem very constructive for the LFS to accuse a purchaser of killing the fish. It would seem...
  2. phoenixfla

    Pix of our 125

    Very nice. Just curious - why is clam in tupperware?
  3. phoenixfla

    reefs under 10k mh

    I have 250W 10Ks, but I have 2 96w PC Actinics. The 10ks produce a crisp white light. (at least the XMs do, I have heard other brands will be a little more yellow) Here is a link:
  4. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Originally Posted by feixjai looks great. btw does that niger trigger bother that cleaner shrimp? i always heard from a trusted lfs that you are not able to keep trigger with shrimps because they might eat them. As of yet, he has not. Originally I bought a peppermint shrimp (because they are...
  5. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Originally Posted by blue20051 Thats good that he is eating. I cant believe that people would import fish like that Like what? Most fish are imported, very few are tank raised.
  6. phoenixfla

    Exotic Aquatics Dallas- DO NOT SHOP THERE!

    Did you deal with the owner? Sometimes the owners are more receptive than the employees.
  7. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Originally Posted by TimDaddie What is the light blue thing in the 7th and 8th pic down It is a blue sponge attached to Porites coral. I had it in my Nano tank and it started to degrade, put it in the reef tank and it has made a nice recovery.
  8. phoenixfla

    my new large squamosa clam! pics

    How much did you have to shell out for it?
  9. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Originally Posted by blue20051 That naso doesnt look to healthy. What are you feeding it? Those pics were about 3 days after I got him. He was just imported and took a few days to start eating. At first he would only eat seaweed that I would break up in the water, then he would eat it off the...
  10. phoenixfla

    Sun Polyp spawned? survival rate??

    Fantastic! I wish mine would do that. Surely a sign of a properly maintained tank if your corals spawn and SURVIVE!
  11. phoenixfla

    No glass top = evaporation?

    Are your lights in a fixture or are they a retrofit kit attached to an existing canopy? I believe that the glass tops prevent a lot of evaporation. I have a 125 reef with no tops and a 135 fowlr with glass tops. The reef evaporates 5 gallons a week and the fowlr evaporates 1 gallon a week. I...
  12. phoenixfla

    Couple of New Tank Pics

    Originally Posted by murph145 lookin good ! id recomend puttin a black background on it will look super clean and nice hides all the equipment I was thinking the same thing when I was checking out the pics. Other than that it looks great. Nice looking rock, lots of coves and valleys.
  13. phoenixfla

    8 Month Old 55 Gallon Tons Of Pics!

    Very nice - Lots of Coraline for an 8 month old tank. Good job!
  14. phoenixfla

    Lets see some sponges!

    Blue Sponge on Porites
  15. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Originally Posted by sleasia beautiful tank'!! Hey Thanks!
  16. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Finally the FISHIES
  17. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    More Softies & Zoos
  18. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Softies & Zoos
  19. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    More Critters & Clams
  20. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Critters & Clams