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  1. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    1 more LPS
  2. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    More SPS
  3. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    More Full Shots
  4. phoenixfla

    My tank in Pics - lotsa pics

    Full tank shots
  5. phoenixfla

    Aquapod recall!!

    Old news. I had one of the effected and already have my replacement. They gave out new tanks, you just had to cut your power cords and turn them in.
  6. phoenixfla

    Reef shops in Florida

    Originally Posted by jnvette if you can make it down to sarasota the coral connection is a great store. I was there last weekend and I agree. LOTS of frags and very reasonable prices. I LOVE FRAGS!
  7. phoenixfla

    Strange worm ID

    Originally Posted by Speg My brother says that looks like it. He says his was a different color though.. more white-ish I guess. So what kinda worm is that? Is that one of the medusas? According to Wet Web Media it is a type of bristleworm.
  8. phoenixfla

    Maroon clown

    Originally Posted by viet-tin Beautiful Pics! Thanks
  9. phoenixfla


    Perform a google search for "wet web media" and you will find many ID photos.
  10. phoenixfla

    would a snowflake eel be ok in community ?

    Originally Posted by nicetry Not really accurate. SFE's are not fish eater's by nature. Keeping them fed regularly and conditioning them to eat from a feeding stick can prevent them from blindly lashing out at unsuspecting fish. Most injuries to fish kept with these eels happens when a fish gets...
  11. phoenixfla

    Maroon clown

    Mine does not really bother any of the other fish, but man he goes after my hand. I try chasing him with my hand thinking he will become scared of it, bt it never works. I think he would give his life for his anemone.
  12. phoenixfla

    coralife super skimmer in sump?

    Originally Posted by Songman I really am pretty new to this, but i believe from reading that a 17 gallon refuge on a 75 gallon tank, is generally reported as being way too small... BTW - this is 20% of main tank and I think most will agree is sufficient. Ofcourse the bigger the better as far...
  13. phoenixfla

    coralife super skimmer in sump?

    I have the 55 gal version of the super skmmer and it can be set up as a hang on back. If it does not fit IN your sump you can simply hang it on the sump it the 125 is a simular set-up.
  14. phoenixfla

    Having Problems, Need Help

    I agree that Alk should be closer to 11 or 12. Also, I ould get that calcium up a little. I really think that you may have 2 problems - one that took out the xenia and one that is hurting the stonies. Does your LFS have an iodine test?
  15. phoenixfla

    live brine shrimp vitamins??

    I believe you can add vits to the brine water prior to feeding to fish. (maybe a few hours before feeding) Selcon seems to be the best vitamins.
  16. phoenixfla

    6-line wrasse vs coral banded shrimp

    Dont bother trying to get rid of bristle worms (a) you will never get rid of all of them I guarentee and (b) unless they are really large and eating corals, they are beneficial. If anything dies in your tank they will clean it up. The six line wrass is a nice fish, however. I dont think the...
  17. phoenixfla

    good skimmer for 30G Eclipse 3?

    I bought a Coralife Super Skimmer rated for 55 gal for my 12 gal Aqua Pod (Yea I know its major overkill, but there are no deacent alternatives) and its awesome. You would not believe the junk I pulled out of 12 gallons of water with it. I highly recommend it and I think it will be awesome in a...
  18. phoenixfla

    magnesium question

    1125 sounds reasonable to me. What is your calcium? Bob fenner recomends Mag is 3x your calcium level, so if your calcium is around 400 your in pretty good shape. I use Tropic Marin now after using Red Sea and Reef Crystals.