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  1. phoenixfla

    Weird Little sack

    Could be, can you post a picture?
  2. phoenixfla

    First Fish?

    Damsel - cheap and very hardy. May eventually have to return them to store, however. My 3 strip damsel became agressive as he became older. Bit the fins off of a yellow-tailed blue damsel. (he has subsequently recovered nicely)
  3. phoenixfla

    Tank Temperature

    By the way, I am using the Mag 7s not by choice, but because they came with the tank. I eventually will replace them with an external pump.
  4. phoenixfla

    Tank Temperature

    I have 2 mag 7s and a mag 3 running submersed. I also have nearly 1200 watts on my 125 and I do not run a chiller. My temp stays between 82 and 84. The key was to mount the lights 12" off the water and add tons of ventilation to the canopy. I custom built the canopy to make it exactly the...
  5. phoenixfla

    Tank for RO/DI

    44 gallon Brute Garbage Can by Rubbermaid. Super strong and you can buy castors that fit it perfectly. Its really nice to have it on wheels. I can make up 40 gallons and do a water change in both my 125 and 135 tanks.
  6. phoenixfla

    Whats this growing/larvae ing in my HOB? clear pics

    Appears to be some kind of flatworm. Please describe their movement.
  7. phoenixfla

    Yet another clam ID

    It may be on its way out. All you can really do is keep your calcium up, keep it well lit and maybe try feeding it plankton. Let us know how it works out.
  8. phoenixfla

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Originally Posted by ShrimpDady I agree with the six line wrasse. Mine is beautiful and a pleasure to watch. One thing about the Hawkfish is that he MIGHT eat any shrimp you have. I had one and he ate both my peppermints(which were HUGE!!!), but my coral banded shrimp was able to handle himself...
  9. phoenixfla

    need your advice... pictures attached

    I would keep them high and I think they will be fine. I would put them on the top right right next to what looks like a birdsnest.
  10. phoenixfla

    Black Polyclad

    Anybody else have one? Thanks again for the id promisetbg.
  11. phoenixfla

    Hosting Clowns!

    This is my poor one-eye Gold Stripe Maroone
  12. phoenixfla


    Blonde Naso and Yellow Eye Kole.
  13. phoenixfla

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Naso tangs have the potential to get 18" six line wrass is nice, flame hawk? (see my avatar)
  14. phoenixfla

    need your advice... pictures attached

    What is your lighting?
  15. phoenixfla

    question for ophiura on lighting

    I think 175 would be plenty. If you plan to upgrade to a larget tank later you may want to go with a 250 and just mount it higher up off the water. I use 250 10k XM bulbs and I dont think they are yellow at all. I am very happy with them, but they do look better with the actinics on.
  16. phoenixfla

    Yet another clam ID

    What do you have for lighting? You will need Metal Halide for Croceas.
  17. phoenixfla

    another lighting question

    May want to give everyone more than an hour to respond. If you have 2 cross supports, I would go with 3 lights. Either 250s or 400s.
  18. phoenixfla

    Someone wanna miss prove this...

    " I am just saying that if you proof, verify it." I would think that the person that is suggesting that they may have a better way to do it, would be the one to perform this "experiment". If, in fact, you have better success with a lower temp and a lower SG, maybe it will catch on and change...
  19. phoenixfla

    Ok Light for corals?

    I have a large colt coral that has always done well. Pretty much any of the zoos or button polyps. Leather corals - perhaps a toadstool. As far as stoneys - any of the sun corals, I have had good luck with the trumpet and hammer corals under moderate lighting. Check out the donut corals also...
  20. phoenixfla

    length or height does it matter?

    Also longer tanks are better for fish that are active swimmers. I would look for a 6 footer if you have the room. I think the only reason to get a shorter tank is if you absoultely do not have the wall space for a longer one.