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  1. phoenixfla

    Sun Polyp spawned? survival rate??

    I have heard of sun corals spawning in the tank. I think I may have read about on WWM. I would spot feed cyclopese like you mentioned. Take some pictures.
  2. phoenixfla

    Having Problems, Need Help

    I would start by doing a few large water changes, maybe 25% a week for 3 weeks then 10 - 15% each week from then on out. Do you add Iodine?
  3. phoenixfla

    can someone identify this for me?

    See if you can get them to close. Try touching top with finger.
  4. phoenixfla

    Strange worm ID

    Look like this? (I stole this pic from WWM)
  5. phoenixfla

    Tizzo - montipora cap

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 I Have used DT's phytoplankton before, but not on a regualr basis, I have switched to DT's Oyster eggs and it seems to be doing a very fine job of feeding my corals. I still have some phyto and should use it up. Cool. I FINALLY found a LFS that carries DTs.
  6. phoenixfla

    Tizzo - montipora cap

    Amazing. Do you dose Phyto?
  7. phoenixfla

    Brown Slime in water change container

    Originally Posted by I<3Fish This happens to my pump in my sump. The pumps tubing is underwater, and I pulled it out and it was all slimy, and disgusting. I think it is just some type of algea maybe. I think it is some kind of algae also. I may try clorinating and de-clorinating. If I try...
  8. phoenixfla

    Brown Slime in water change container

    Originally Posted by essop3 I would get a phosphate test kit and test your R/O water. How old are your filters & membrane? I have tested both the fresh RO water and the water after adding salt. Phosphates are 0. Small amount of silicates that may be causing the problem. Filters and Membranes...
  9. phoenixfla

    Brown Slime in water change container

    Originally Posted by unleashed i have found the same thing in my ro bucket the first time i seen it i thought someone had spilt something in the water.but i think its from the salt mix itself(impurities)i just skim it off with a strainer spoon This is not on top of the water, but an actual...
  10. phoenixfla

    look at this sand sifter

    Originally Posted by ophiura DEFINITELY not just a sand sifter...beware!! Especially the behavior...sand sifter stars do not tend to eat any flake food, etc. This star, according to the most excellent book "Sea Stars, Sea Urchins and Allies: Echinoderms of Florida and the Bahamas" by several...
  11. phoenixfla

    Removing Bio Balls

    The live rock must be completely submerged and lit. I removed bioballs and replaced with just a filter pad, but now I have been reading that a filter pad placed upstream of the skimmer cripples the skimmers ability to remove organics. I have not decided what to do, but I definately would get...
  12. phoenixfla

    New Additions

    Nice. I have always loved the frogspawns. I obtained one near death when I purchased a tank and now it is doing awesome!
  13. phoenixfla

    Can I keep clams?

    I would start with a Derasa and see how it does. I have kept a Derasa under simular lighting with no difficulty. Water for clams does not need to be perfect, just not bad.
  14. phoenixfla

    Need Help On Reef Setup

    What fish do you have in it? What about lighting? If you have VHO or PC lighting and your Nitrates and Phosphates are low, you can start adding now. As long as your fish are reef safe and your tank is not overpopulated.
  15. phoenixfla

    1000w MH

    thoughts? - get a good pair of sunglasses!!! Really - Its awesome, you can probably mount pretty high off the water and still have high PAR.
  16. phoenixfla

    Brown Slime in water change container

    Every time I make up water to do a water change I get a slimy brown substance that covers the inside of the container that I use and the circulation pump. Generally the water is made up 4 - 7 days prior to doing a water change. I have read of others having the same problem, but have been...
  17. phoenixfla

    Black Polyclad

    Yes, but on what I dont know. I have not added any live rock in 6 months, so I think it probably came in on a coral, but I am not positive. It appears to eat algae and I never see it on my corals.
  18. phoenixfla

    Storing water

    I would cover the bucker, but not seal it. Make sure you have circulation (powerhead) and airation (airstone) and you should be able to keep it infdeffiently.
  19. phoenixfla

    how big of a fuge?

    Originally Posted by fishntx as big as you can fit and afford. the bigger the better. I second that!