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  1. usinkit

    Weekend photo feature:

    My dottyback. This is the best picture I could get of him peeking out of his cave in the 2 years that Iv had him.
  2. usinkit

    Weekend photo feature:

    Coral beauty stopping by for a check up!!
  3. usinkit

    Carpenters Wrasse

    The Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Carpenter's Wrasse, or Redfin Flasher Wrasse, is orange with blue vertical stripes as a juvenile. As the fish matures and becomes an adult, the coloration becomes yellow with a series of broken blue horizontal stripes. The dorsal fin features...
  4. usinkit

    Show me the coolest fish in your tank

    flasher wrasse
  5. usinkit

    enough powerhead?

    I have 51x turnover in my 40 gallon breeder and maintain mostly softies. I have never had any problems. Some corals love the high flow and some dont. I have areas that are high flow to areas of low flow.
  6. usinkit

    nitrates high... 20ppm

    Check your sponges in the fluva. They should be cleaned once a week. Do you have any algae problems.
  7. usinkit

    enough powerhead?

    If you are doing a FO or FOWLR its plenty, but if you are doing a reef i would increase to 25x or more turnover rate.
  8. usinkit

    What type of wrasse

    How about a Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse. I have one in my 40. They only grow to 3inches.
  9. usinkit

    pics of your favorite coral!

  10. usinkit

    post pix please

    40 gallon breeder with 30 gallon sump/refugium and 384watts pc lighting
  11. usinkit

    my new wrasse

    I have a royal and they dont bother each other at all.
  12. usinkit

    my new wrasse

    With the sixline there might be a problem.
  13. usinkit

    my new wrasse

    yep they are more shy then most reef fish IMO.
  14. usinkit

    my new wrasse

    yep its my second try. the first one freaked out and wacked his head into the glass and that was it!!!
  15. usinkit

    my new wrasse

  16. usinkit

    bio filter

    Yea bet alot of brown stuff came out. You should really consider hooking up a sump/refugium to your tank. That was the best thing a ever did. I have 0 phosphates and nitrates all the time now. That will allow you to put a skimmer in there to. I believe a skimmer is a must for this hobby. If you...
  17. usinkit

    bio filter

    Yea food gets trap in there and the next thing you know your nitrates are climbing. Thats why i dont run any type of sponges in my tank. I only run a emperror filter pad with carbon one week a month in my sump.
  18. usinkit

    bio filter

    Yea i would definately rinse it out once a week. The sponge is a nitrate trap.
  19. usinkit

    bio filter

    Yes i would if you have another source of biomedia in the filter or liverock in the tank.
  20. usinkit

    Start Over After 10+????

    There is a small chance you may see another cycle. Feed the tank a pinch of fish food everyother day and just keep testing to to see if your ammonia and nitrites go up. If they dont after the first week then I would say you could add your fish back. If your liverock was kept under water with a...