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  1. usinkit

    What should I feed my porcupine puffer?

    Try scallops and shrimp. Soaking them in garlic will help intice the fish to eat it.
  2. usinkit

    Cycle Questions?!?!?!

    MH or T5 lighting for anemones.
  3. usinkit

    Cycle Questions?!?!?!

    You can just run regular light stripe with a 50/50 bulb in it or pick up a cheap pc light.
  4. usinkit

    Cycle Questions?!?!?!

    If the live rock is uncured you will not need the shrimp. You dont have to run the lights while cycling. HTH
  5. usinkit

    couple new additions and some old

    thanks it still needs more color which takes more $$$$
  6. usinkit

    Light Failure -help?

    It could be the bulbs got fried or even the ballast. Did you smell any kind of a burnt smell?
  7. usinkit

    Water Changes with RO

    Its a good practice to alawys have your water change water the same as your tank. SG, ph and temp.
  8. usinkit

    Need help fas please!! How to fix bubble problem and sealant

    I would wait the full 48 hours. Most likely it needs it to cure and any dampness will prolong it from curing. I cant tell you for sure if it toxic, but my guess is it is until it cures. HTH
  9. usinkit

    Quick question?

    I wouldnt think much longer then a couple of minutes.
  10. usinkit

    copper n live rock

    Most likely you will not be able to keep inverts. Try putting a snail in and see if it survives.
  11. usinkit

    Cloudy Water!!!

    Running carbon overnight should show a big differents.
  12. usinkit

    Cloudy Water!!!

    Try running carbon.
  13. usinkit

    Lighting Requirements

    What does it say on the bulbs or box?
  14. usinkit

    Lighting Requirements

    If its 65watts that would be low lighting and approx 2 watts per gallon. You could probly get away with keeping mushrooms. They may not thrive but they will live.
  15. usinkit

    Lighting? Is this ok?

    Using buffer. I use Kent superbuffer. You will need a test kit and you also do not want to dose alot at once. When I dose I only add 1/2 TBS to my top off water once in a day.
  16. usinkit

    pics of your favorite coral!

  17. usinkit

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Yea I would move the emperror over to the 25 and you should be all set. If you do that feed the 25 a pinch of fish food every other day for a week and test your water for ammonia. If 0 ammonia you should be all set.
  18. usinkit

    Lighting? Is this ok?

    I think for coraline growth you need 2 watts per gallon of light. You will also want to keep your alkalinity between 8dkh and 10 dkh.
  19. usinkit

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Yes you can do that. What I mean about bio media is the stuff that is in your filter on the 25. Bio media is like little pebbles and cyclinders. What kind of filter do you have for the 25?
  20. usinkit

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Cycle it with a cocktail shrimp. If your 46 is cycled you could put some bio media from your 25 in there to get the bacteria to frow on that for a couple of weeks then just pull it out put in the 25 filter and should be good to go.