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  1. rldavisou

    Suggestions on what size tank I should get??

    Height is not as much of a concern as width, as was stated before. Personally, for a 6' tank, I LOVE the 175 bowfronts.
  2. rldavisou

    what corals would do good under.......

    found your light on another website. yeah, I think montis would do ok, but they wouldn't thrive. Place them high in the tank. Any soft corals will do great.
  3. rldavisou

    what corals would do good under.......

    I can't find a fixture that's 384 watts in any lighting style. Is it halide or fluorescent? You've got almost 7 watts per gallon, so montipora should do ok, but I wouldn't try acropora unless you have halide and place it directly under a halide bulb.
  4. rldavisou

    Calcium HELP!!!

    Turbo calcium is a product that raises calcium quickly, but won't maintain high levels very well. I'd try turbo calcium for a week or so until you get it as high as you want it, then switch back to your regular stuff. I dose with a whole bunch of different calcium supplements to get the right...
  5. rldavisou

    Help!!! Zoos are dying!!

    Excellent thread about fragging a lot of different stuff, including zoas.
  6. rldavisou

    A classic who done it...

    I've never had any problems with my urchin. They are very nocturnal, however, and it did happen at night... Good to see a fellow phi delt on the boards!
  7. rldavisou

    fish in 150 reef

    I've never owned one of the fish on your list, but I can say for certain that triggers cannot be kept in reef systems. Non-dwarf angels are almost always a no-go as well. Triggers in the wild eat live coral and poop out the stony skeletons. This is where the highest quality reef sand comes...
  8. rldavisou

    My 60 gallon Reef Tank Diary(with pics eventually)

    I'd add more LR. It's a surprisingly good filter system, which you'll need for sensitive inverts. I have a 30 gallon with about 25 lbs of LR and I'm about to get 15 more lbs. At least 1 lb per gallon is a good general rule to follow. I'd take the damsels out before you add any new LR, as you...
  9. rldavisou

    how many watts of acintinic light do I need?

    Yeah, two actinic bulbs would be better. Your halide should be bright enough to supply all the white light needed. Actinics "pop" the colors by acting as a mild blacklight. If you think you need more yellow/white light, get another halide instead of a t-5.
  10. rldavisou

    How to build a Refugium, Please Help

    I agree with everyone else. It would be better to spend your money on a stand that will accommodate a larger fuge and then save up for the fuge. It will be better in the long run. The 10 gallon would make a good nano tank. You could still plumb it to the big system to avoid the drastic swings...
  11. rldavisou

    Could someone name these please

    Oh, yeah, and the red and purple stuff on your rock is probably coraline algae. I couldn't really see it in the pics. It's a sign your tank is maturing. It's normal and beneficial. I have several rocks that are almost solid purple. Make sure you're adding calcium regularly to ensure it's...
  12. rldavisou

    Could someone name these please

    Yeah, first pic is xenia, a very cool soft coral that will get even cooler when it gets bigger. Second is a branching frogspawn coral. Make sure and leave a few inches between these guys and other things in your tank. The tentacles get longer at night and blow around in the current looking for...
  13. rldavisou

    DIY Chiller

    Thanks. I liked your scientific explanation. I just saw my old dorm fridge sitting there, unused, and began to wonder. I don't think I'll try it now.
  14. rldavisou

    skunk cleaner shrimp and clam?

    You could take him to your lfs and see if they'll trade. If worse comes to worst most lfs's will at least take them off your hands for you.
  15. rldavisou

    Help!!! Zoos are dying!!

    Get a clean bucket, use whatever freshwater use to top off your tank to fill the bucket at least enough to cover the entire colony. Make sure the temp and ph are the same as your main tank. Pull any hermits, etc off the rock with the colony on it, and dunk it in the freshwater. I'm not sure...
  16. rldavisou

    Help!!! Zoos are dying!!

    agreed. I saw some that were damaged at my lfs once, and that's what they looked like. They said it was some kind of parasite (don't remember exactly what, I was a real newbie at that time), and they said they did a low-salinity dip and were quarantining it. Colony wound up being fine. BTW...
  17. rldavisou

    Too much light?

    Ok, thanks. What's a good price on those? I know we can't share links, but I was wondering what I'd pay if I was getting a really sweet deal.
  18. rldavisou


    Looks really nice. I just bought my PC light about a month ago though, and I couldn't afford halides. I had to rush and buy a light because the ballast went out on my old PC fixture and my softies were dying. I really wish I could have saved up longer and buy a halide, but I did manage to go...
  19. rldavisou

    Emeral Crab Question!

    What the heck? It pulled it under the sand? I've never seen that before. Really cool! What was that animal that pulled it under? I have nassarius snails that burrow under the sand, but they don't pull anything down with them, and they certainly don't look like that.
  20. rldavisou


    I really want a red cap that one closely related to the orange ones? I'm thinking about saving for an inexpensive halide fixture I found, but that would still a minimum of six months out. I'm a waiter, so everything I do in this hobby takes a loooonnnggg time to save up for.