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  1. rldavisou

    pico plans

    not if I didn't stick the hose all the way down into the corner, but only about 3/4" below the surface. Then it would break siphon and there just wouldn't be any flow.
  2. rldavisou

    pico plans

    Ok, here's the plan: Get one of those 2.5 gallon tanks at you-know-where and have a piece of acrylic cut to go in the corner, like in the pics below. Then run a piece of clear flexible tubing into the corner space and up over the edge of the tank, siphoning down to a rubbermaid fuge. Then...
  3. rldavisou

    2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.

    what about getting a piece of acrylic cut and siliconing it to the corner, something like the pic below. Then you could just run some tubing down into the corner space and up over the top of the tank and siphon down to your fuge. You could use clear tubing for your return, too, and clip it to...
  4. rldavisou

    Extremly Small Reefs

    DeMartini's pico is the smallest one I've ever seen pics of. Like she said, she wound up taking it down. Pico reefs are high maintenance. I'm considering starting up a 3 gallon, but that's the smallest I'd suggest for upkeep reasons. If you are still considering building a pico, plan on...
  5. rldavisou

    Aggressive Royal Gramma

    It's always better to remove a really aggressive fish. The ich can be treated, but the gramma's aggressive behavior cannot. You did the right thing by removing the gramma. You should try again and see if you can find a less aggressive specimen, after you get the ich taken care of. I've been...
  6. rldavisou

    Recommended stock for a 5 gallon reef tank...

    If you really want any corals to do well, I'd go with the 25 watt you talked about. Any small bottom dwelling gobies will be ok. What kind of filter are you planning on using?
  7. rldavisou

    First pics of my tank

    That's pretty much what I thought.
  8. rldavisou

    First pics of my tank

    I looked up candy canes, and mine looks exactly like most of the pics. The guy called it a candy cane, so were about 250 other people there. They're pretty much the same thing anyway, right?
  9. rldavisou

    First pics of my tank

    Well, I think I know the name of the orange ones. They came from a guy who's good friends with a guy who was also at the frag show who sells zoa's that look exactly like this on his website. He calls 'em "Tequila Sunrise". I believe they are the same. If you PM me, I'll give you his web...
  10. rldavisou

    First pics of my tank

    here's the zoa's
  11. rldavisou

    First pics of my tank

    I've had this tank up for almost 2 years now, but I've never gotten the chance to take any pics. I borrowed a camera, and it's apparent that I need some practice! I just got back from my first frag show today. I picked up the Krypto candy cane, the orange zoa's, and the purple zoa's, as well...
  12. rldavisou

    call me exited, but...

    I'm considering getting that exact same light fixture for my 30gal long. Are you happy with it? Have you had any issues with heat? I found an AWESOME deal on it, but I'm worried about putting a halide on my tank w/o a chiller.
  13. rldavisou

    Can Nanos with Stand Be Knocked Over?

    never had a nano on a stand before, so I don't know the answer to that one. But I do know that many people have these aquariums and if there was a big problem with them falling over on the stands, it would be well publicized. They're pretty well-made, so I don't think it's a common problem...
  14. rldavisou

    8 Gal Biocube energy consumption

    nobody knows the answers? anyone used a kill-a-watt on these?
  15. rldavisou

    8 Gal Biocube energy consumption

    I'm thinking about putting an 8 gal biocube at my cubicle but I need to have all my ducks in a row before I go to my boss and ask permission. How many power cords does it have, and how many watts does the total system use? Anyone know anything about the amps? There are very strict limits on...
  16. rldavisou

    24G JBJ NANO cube

    any time you can snatch all that up for 200 bucks, do it. that's $100 worth of cured live rock at my lfs.
  17. rldavisou

    Are blacklights harmful?

    I wish I could've seen the pics. I don't have much in my tank, but I'll take pics during the party. My zoos look BAMF under actinics, can't wait to see them under blacklights.
  18. rldavisou

    Added live sand / rock

    I think poly filters will remove copper. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. I'd just run one of those in whatever filter device you use for a week or so.
  19. rldavisou

    zero edge tanks

    Ok, call me stupid, but I don't see what's great about this. Sure it looks cool, but don't you have to look through the water on the sides? I would think it would distort the image, sort of like looking at the bottom of a swimming pool but to a lesser degree.
  20. rldavisou

    Bubble bubbles everywhere!

    Originally Posted by Dmitry ...Just pour more salt water in there and make sure it stays steady. If the level is lower and the water is making a drop - like a waterfall into it - then yes, you will get lots of bubbles that don't have time to pop before being pumped back into your tank. Just...