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  1. rldavisou

    Help my nerves

    Are you sure your test kits aren't malfunctioning? I just attended a lecture on calcium/alkalinity by a college chem prof, and he said 450 calcium was almost saturated. Unless your alk is low, I'd think you'd be having a lot of precipitate in your tank. Don't mean to hijack your thread, just...
  2. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    First, teen, if you're still reading, sorry for blowing up at you earlier. Ok, I was feeding it DT's because I understood they were filter feeders, so I didn't consider that it could clog their gills or do any other harm. I haven't done it again and won't. It is sitting mere inches from a...
  3. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    I'm charging my friend's digital camera now. I'll have pics in a few mins.
  4. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    First, I got it to open just briefly by squirting DT's directly at it. It opened for about 20 seconds, and then the whole clam closed up. I did not touch the clam nor did my hand or anything else pass between the clam and the light. Second, why is the thread worthless w/o a pic? I understand...
  5. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    I don't have a digital camera besides on my phone. It's moving its incurrent siphon a little bit; sort of like if you were to suck your lips back into your mouth. Every other derasa I've ever seen has had its siphon wide open, to the point that you can actually see into the animal, with little...
  6. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    I have not seen either siphon open, and it's been in my tank for almost twenty hours. I'm not saying they've never opened, but I've been home and watching for it about every twenty minutes. Could it be the trates or the little bit of organics in the water?
  7. rldavisou

    Derasa not feeding

    I added a derasa clam to my tank yesterday. It's opening fine, and the mantle looks good, but both the inflow and outflow siphons are completely closed. My water quality is decent, not good enough to support SPS, but I didn't think clams had the same requirements, do they? Amm: 0 Trite: 0...
  8. rldavisou

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Lauren, do you get most of your corals at an LFS or online? I'm looking for a reliable source of good looking corals for my nano, but my LFS is very hit and miss. If it's online, can you PM the address?
  9. rldavisou

    24g aquapod question.

    Are you getting much skimmate from your fission nano? I bought one, and, personally I found the box it came in more useful than the skimmer.
  10. rldavisou

    ? about fragging

    I replied to your pm. If it's all curled up, it may just be a reaction to your messing with it. If you actually damaged its flesh, it may be a day or so before it even opens again.
  11. rldavisou

    20k vs actinic

    I'm in the process of gathering info to do a DIY lighting setup. Would I be better of using 250 watts of 20k halide or 175 watts 10k halide with 192 watts of actinic supplement. It's a 30 gal long tank. Does 20k light cause corals to fluoresce the way actinic does? Or is it just blue in color?
  12. rldavisou

    Opinoin on too Much Light on a frag tank?

    Your tank is about 91 gallons, and you have 716 watts. This puts you at about 7.8 watts/gallon which is substantial, but by no means too much. Your tank is shallow since it's a frag tank, so I'd say you're doing ok. How much of this light is actinic? Actinic doesn't really count as "usable"...
  13. rldavisou

    Ricordea Hitchhiker???

    I'm not sure if the ricordea will kill it or not, but they both seem to be fully opened. If you want it to colonize faster, I'd definitely frag the zoa off the disk or whatever the ric is on, and attach it to something else. Since it's just one polyp, it shouldn't be hard to peel it up by it's...
  14. rldavisou

    Will a birds nest coral do good under T-5 8 bulb lighting?

    Pretty much anything will do good under the tek 8 bulb, given it's appropriately sized for your tank, and your tank isn't a mile deep. Never done a birdsnest, so I can't give details.
  15. rldavisou

    Bak-pak vs AquaC

    ok, so the AquaC is better, but if I have my live rock doing the bio filtration for me, and the skimmer is removing organics, do I need to run my emperor filter for mechanical filtration? The surface skimmer box for the AquaC has a spot for filter media, so can I just use that instead of...
  16. rldavisou

    Bak-pak vs AquaC

    bump, and I made a typo. I have a 30 long
  17. rldavisou

    Bak-pak vs AquaC

    btw, I have a 20gal long
  18. rldavisou

    Bak-pak vs AquaC

    I'm going to be buying an HOB skimmer soon, and was wondering what the opinions are on these two. Should I buy the Bak-Pak 2R+? It lacks the bio-bale stuff, which, as I understand it, will start leaching nitrates back into my system. Since my LR does the bio filtration, and the skimmer...
  19. rldavisou

    pico plans

    oh yeah, I plan on using two regular socket 10watt pc lights, 50/50. I'm going to have a bunch of tiny leather frags, zoos, and mushrooms. No fish, but a couple really small shrimp. Will I be ok w/o a skimmer?
  20. rldavisou

    pico plans

    you're right, but don't all our tanks depend on power anyway? It's not like I'll have a lot of money invested in it and it's not a lot of water to clean up if it overflows. I'm ok with the risk. Anything else?