Has anyone tried these bulbs from that famous auction site? They have 4-65watt PC bulbs for $28.99 + $15.00 to ship!! Sounds too good to be true. :thinking:
My questions would be :
Is the thermostat range comparable to those used for lighting canopies?
Does it move a comparable amount of air?
Otherwise, it sounds good.
Well, no offense to aggressive fish keepers, but I like reefs. I must point out, however, that if I did go F.O., a ray would be top of the list! That thing is GREAT! I like the way they move. It's like they are flying.
Great pics!
Although the offer is tempting, I must concentrate on the TURF farming for now. I'll leave the SURF to you. I have my hands full with just one SW tank!
Do you have a login and password now?
I had no problems ordering after creating an account. There was one person who could not order, but they were in Canada. SWF.com doesn't ship there, apparently.
Good idea-I understand sea horses are picky/slow eaters. It is best to keep them in a tank without competition for food.
Yeah, I was kidding about my wife changing her mind. She enjoys the SW tank. :happyfish
You know you have a problem when the LFS offers financing on all aquarium setups...
It seems like some of the most difficult work just gets covere up, doesn't it?
I'm gonna have to shore up (no pun) for our next tank. I'll be crawling UNDER the house for that job. THat drain Idea is a good one. I may have to incorporate it into our setup. . . :thinking:
BTW have you...
Once again, Nice pics everyone! Hey Lisa-Some of the best looking tanks are under 55 gallon. Yours looks way better than ours, for example(75gallon).
Dboy what kind of pump do you have on your closed loop? That is a great setup. I would like to have the room for something like that!!
Originally Posted by fishboy091
Right now it's prolly basketball because it's still the season. Last night was my first game with the a-team and we beat the sophmores by about 10. I played about 3 minutes but I did get a block, got my whole hand on it.
A block, you say? Pretty cool! "Take...
Originally Posted by wax32
Take advantage of that while you can. My wife used to be that way, now she say's "You need to stop buying corals!"
My wife agrees that we need a bigger tank. I may have to borrow the money to get it before something changes her mind!! :thinking: :happyfish
The only problem with smaller specimens of the BIG tangs is the fact they are more like babies. A 2" hippo or powder is very young and doesn't have as good of a chance of survival as a 4-5" tang of the same species. At least this is my understanding from reading about them. (This is, also...
Hey lion!
We went by the LFS today. We got some "emerald cuisine" for the tang. Turns out it has mysis, krill and spirulina in it. THere is a bunch of other stuff in there too. Unleashed says he uses this for his tang on another thread. The pseudochromis and the clowns were diggin on this...