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  1. olemiss

    id algae

    Coraline usually starts out as small circles and grows slowly, which leads me to believe the red on your glass is something different. Does a mag float take it off easily?
  2. olemiss

    Some kind of Algae ID Please

    Grape caulerpa, transfer it to your sump. As Flower said it grows very fast and once it gets a foothold in your tank it can be near impossible to remove (even with tangs as a few of my friends discovered).
  3. olemiss

    just lost everything -__-

    How long was the rock out of the water?
  4. olemiss

    Dieing Anemonie

    Looks like a sebae to me as well. Definitely not a "starter" anemone. They need a mature tank with stable parameters and high lighting. Hope you ordered halides. Most sebaes that I have seen in stores are already bleached or dyed, making survival that much harder. I'd try and exchange them...
  5. olemiss

    Small white dots

    spirorbid worms
  6. olemiss

    saltwater tank stocking

    Two dwarfs in a 55 will more than likely result in fighting and a dead fish. A single dwarf would be fine but I would recommend adding 50-80 lbs of live rock and wait for it to mature before adding the dwarf. I would also pass on any tang in a 55. Brittle(not green) or serpent stars would be...
  7. olemiss

    dragon nudi

    They eat portugese man o' wars, probably not readily available
  8. olemiss

    What eel shall i get?

    Imo the zebra would be the best fit due to the clowns. The goldentail or jeweled would more than likely eat the clowns if the volitan does not get them first, it will eventually. If you try a ribbon, I've read that the black ones are "easier" to accept frozen. Keep an eye on the 2 tangs for...
  9. olemiss

    Woke up to find Red Scooter Blenny dead (why?)

    The crabs did not eat the pods, the dragonet did. It exhausted the supply and more than likely starved to death. Not sure where you heard they eat algae but I would find a better source for future purchases. An eight gallon tank is not large enough for algae eating fish, they will eat the...
  10. olemiss

    fire shrimp and my fish

    Puffers will make a quick meal out of them.
  11. olemiss

    First Corals soon...

    Sofies and zoas tend to be the "easiest". What is your lighting? Lighting really dictates what you can keep.
  12. olemiss

    Need some eel help

    Tessys are the definition of aggressive. Once they gain some size, nothing is safe in a tank with them. Fimby's can also be quite aggressive, larger fish should be safe but it is a gamble. Mine ate a yellow tang that I figured was much too big to be eaten. My dragons aggression regarding...
  13. olemiss

    Sohal Tang info

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig Wow, and now this thread is complete.
  14. olemiss

    Blue Reef Chromis?

    They are horrible shippers, account for die-off when ordering.
  15. olemiss

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    The damsels are picked off slowly but surely. My LFS sells them to me at cost as long as I buy 25 or more at a time.
  16. olemiss

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    Fimby is with damsels(replaced as eaten), 4 fire, 2 cleaner shrimp, softies and lps. Workin with a blackberry-so pics aren't the best. Eats anything but seems to prefer squid, octopus, and shrimp
  17. olemiss

    Spare 110, What would you do?

    Have you thought about a fimbriated moray? I have one in a species 90, perfect fit. An aggressive fish that is not as shy as my dragon.
  18. olemiss

    What do you do for water?

    Buy a RO/DI unit and make your own, will save you money in the long run.
  19. olemiss

    Feather Starfish

    Have you read about their upkeep? They require nightly feedings and are pretty much sentenced to death in home tanks. This was the closest too success that I have seen.
  20. olemiss

    Copperbands and aiptasia

    Originally Posted by HabsFan 100% of a Berghia's diet consists of aiptasia. It's all they eat. It's a no brainer. They will eat your aiptasia. Your LFS is leading you down the wrong path. Have you had success with berghias? I've talked to numerous reefers in my area that have attempted them...