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  1. olemiss

    Trouble keeping zoas

    Have you checked for sundial snails or zoa spiders?
  2. olemiss

    Aquaripure Vs Midwest Sulfur Denitrifier

    I had an aquaripure denitrator. Would NEVER recommend it. It constantly clogged but I could handle the hassle of constant cleaning (messy/smells horrendous) for the nitrate tradeoff. I came home one day to a house that reaked of rotten eggs, a flow control valve failed resulting in a steady...
  3. olemiss

    What is this??

    T-5's would suffice but that one looks pretty far gone.
  4. olemiss

    Maroon vs. Percula

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish not all maroons are aggressive i introduced a baby gold stripe maroon to my older gold strip maroon too. they are a lot more elegant and nicer looking than perculas. but i love perculas too. i couldnt decide on what to get so i got both not in the same tank...
  5. olemiss

    College Football starts tonight, who you like?

    What sucks is after Tebow leaves, Florida has Jordan Reed waiting. That guy is a machine.
  6. olemiss

    recommended tank size for bicolor angel ?

    I had one in my 54 reef for 2 years, until h-cane gustave hit. My LFS said they are not recommended because they ship poorly and have a hard time transitioning to captivity. Mine did fine although it sampled every coral in the tank.
  7. olemiss

    killer tang????

    My purple ripped up a powder brown that I tried to add. The pbt was in the the tank about 15 min, in the dark, and had 3 large gashes. AS pretty as purples are-- they can be mean as hell.
  8. olemiss

    Mantis owners

    It's 4 inches. They had it labeled as "pink lemonade mantis."
  9. olemiss

    Mantis owners

    Originally Posted by coralstacker You mean you got a mantis shrimp on purpose? Isn't that thing going to be destructive? Plus I,m told they are hard to see. It's in a 30gal species tank, minus some snails. It varies by species how often they are out in the open.
  10. olemiss

    Mantis owners

    Picked up my first mantis, the gonodactylus chiragra from the den. It has been in the tank for about two hours and has eaten 3 ceriths and 2 nass. What is a ballpark figure of how many snails these guys can take down before they are "full". Can't believe I waited this long to get one these...
  11. olemiss

    are Nassarius Snail's shipped from out of water?

    They are shipped without water. This is in case one dies it won't cause an ammonia spike and kill them all. Nerites are shipped the same way. I had the same question from another company and that was the answer they gave. What happened to the anorexic avatar, that always gave me a chuckle.
  12. olemiss

    octopus question?

    Blue rings do not "mature and die very quickly" compared to any other octo. I personally know two reefers in New Orleans that each have one. One is going on 10 months and the other is right at a year. There are also a few on the big ceph forum that have kept blues for long periods. Blue rings...
  13. olemiss

    ID Strange Anemone

    Looks more like sponges.
  14. olemiss

    Live Silversides

    A lfs here has them. He uses them for new finnicky eaters. He won't sell though. I used damsels before my lion took to frozen.
  15. olemiss

    New Tank

    I do not really understand what all you are asking. Triggers will eat damsels.
  16. olemiss

    Off Topic ID and general interest pics

    The one with the tall mast is the juvi. spotted drum.
  17. olemiss

    Off Topic ID and general interest pics

    Looks like a juvenile spotted drum.
  18. olemiss

    Octo- not fish

    Originally Posted by spkdtch they are cannibals, so one would most likely eat the other and i dont plan on a pygmy octopus I have a pygmy. NEVER see it. Occasionally see it at nite with a red light. Getting a bimac or hummelincki next.
  19. olemiss

    lunar wrass

    Originally Posted by NigerBang and dont ever try and catch one.. WASTE OF TIME!!! I had an 8" one in my 180 and he was a great fish.. Not aggressive with other fish but liked to smash snails and crabs into the glass for fun.. I spent about 5 hours trying to get one out my 150. Not possible...
  20. olemiss


    Originally Posted by TeresaQ you should remove that link. Not allowed to post links to other sites. Here is a thread from someone here that hatched them Tonmo does not sell anything therefore not a competitor of SWF...