Search results

  1. olemiss

    my new jellyfish

    Could you post a pic of these guys. The only ones I've seen are the upside downs, yours sound pretty cool looking.
  2. olemiss

    Zebra Lion+CUC

    In my lion experience, radiatta and volitan, the snails and hermit will be ignored. Shrimp will eventually be dinner, though with a dwarf it may be a while if the shrimp are large.
  3. olemiss

    my new jellyfish

    Is it the upside down jelly? I have limited jelly knowledge but I believe all other jellies require Kreisel style tanks. I could be wrong. The initial cost of kreisel tanks has stopped me from pursuing the matter anymore.
  4. olemiss

    New Fish wont eat

    You could always toss in a couple of damsels, my bluejaw would eat them in a matter of seconds. He would work them into the top corner of the tank and pick them off one at at time. I assume yours would act in the same manner.
  5. olemiss

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by Flower Its an odd thing not a common one, as your testimony of 25 years with no such problem. So take a deep breath and not worry too much. I wonder if there is an alarm that can be tripped if water touches the area around the fish tank. If not, it would be a great...
  6. olemiss

    jap dragon in a150

    You have more will power than I do to say no. How hardy are the little ones?
  7. olemiss

    New fish time

    The fimby really limits your options as it will eat or severely injure every fish in the tank as it grows except for large fish such as groupers/snappers, which will not fit in your tank. The puffer may be ok for a while but the triggers days are numbered. My fimby is a little over two foot...
  8. olemiss

    Help! Before everything dies...

    Has your tank been exposed to copper, just a thought since only your inverts are dying.
  9. olemiss

    Finally picked a fish/stocklist question

    The rusty, as all dwarf angels, is hit or miss with corals. I would look at a different clown as maroons turn into holy terrors as they mature. Lunar wrasses need a much larger tank(will also become quite aggressive.)
  10. olemiss

    Damsel questions

    I have damsels in my eel and mantis tanks. They are eaten too quickly in the eel tanks to learn anything but in my peacocks cube I have had the same 5 blue devils for around 2-3 months problem free. There is one with a blue tail that is definitely the boss(the other 4 have clear tails)...
  11. olemiss

    sump pumps

    I've never heard the term "sump pump" but assume it's a return pump. When I had a 75, I used an Ocean Runner 2500 for the return. I liked it-quiet and reliable.
  12. olemiss

    corallife protein skimmer questions

    This was the first skimmer that I ever owned, and the first of many mistakes. This skimmer is just too finicky. It pulls out a fair amount of waste but would overflow for no apparent reason--it would be fine and all of the sudden the collection cup would overflow(generally while I was...
  13. olemiss

    Yellow discoloration on Silicon

    This happened to the sump on my one tanks. I use the same model as a sump on another tank and there is no staining. I use instant ocean. Glad it's just in the sump as it is quite unattractive.
  14. olemiss

    Jellyfish in FL

    Your LFS should be able to order them. Mine had 4 blue ones in his shop that he special ordered for someone. Really cool looking but those tanks sure are pricey.
  15. olemiss

    jap dragon in a150

    There are also 17 yellowtail damsels in it, there was 24 yesterday. i hope I can convert him to frozen soon, damsels would rack up a hefty food bill.
  16. olemiss

    jap dragon in a150

    Attachment 235138 Attachment 235139 Apparently I have lost my camera so my blackberry is as good as gets for pics. The pvc is 3 inch to give some perspective, he has not figured out that he can go in it.
  17. olemiss

    jap dragon in a150

    Attachment 235101 best pic I could get so far, about two feet. I'll try to get some pics later when he comes out.
  18. olemiss

    Lion or Mantis?

    Fluval makes heaters that are encased in plastic. Other than that go with a titanium, is drilling an option?
  19. olemiss

    Lion or Mantis?

    Orange spots will get too large for a 10. There are a couple spots online that have them right now though. Look into the gonodactylaceus smithii(purple spot mantis). It would be fine in a 10 and are just as active/interactive as a peacock.
  20. olemiss

    Lion or Mantis?

    Smaller mantis such as g smithii or n wennerae will work in a 10 gallon but I'm assume you are going to get a peacock, the smallest tank recommended for them is a 30. This is Dr. Roys site, the stomatopod genius. I have a peacock, smithii...