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  1. olemiss

    Agressive stock list!

    Lion may eat the goby. The trigger will kill the lion.
  2. olemiss

    Christmas fish?

    Mandarin, linckia, and urchin will need bigger tanks to survive long-term. Lawnmower may starve in that small of a tank, while most eat prepared foods they still need algae, same as mandarin and pods. Six line may be too aggressive for the tank. The firefish and hawk should work depending on...
  3. olemiss

    Batten Down the Hatches, Boys... Not cheap, but after h-cane gustave, well worth it. Of course i have not lost power since getting it but it's nice knowing it's there. I figured most people up north would have these due to snow.
  4. olemiss

    Tang question?

    Mixing the 2 is asking for trouble. Powder blues are one of the more aggressive tangs and putting one in a tank that small will result in territory battles. Powder blues really need large tanks, 180+ to diffuse chances of aggression.
  5. olemiss

    180 Gallon Floor Reinforcement Help

    Have an architect take a look. Floors have max loads. Size, spacing, condition, age all play a factor in what joist can support. Support failure would be a costly mistake that is easily avoided.
  6. olemiss

    1 year later I want to try again... What went wrong?

    i would bet that the previous owner treated the tank with copper and it was absorbed by the silicon- thus killing your corals but not effecting your fish.
  7. olemiss


    T-5s can produce some heat, adding computer fans will dissipate the heat. The glass top is going to affect gas exchange unless your tank is drilled.
  8. olemiss

    Cuttle Fish : SEPIA VULGARIS

    google tonmo. It's a forum on octo/cuttle care. Cuttles in general are tougher to keep.
  9. olemiss

    adding a little huma huma trigger

    I had a 6 inch lunar in a 150. Mine also swam laps nonstop all day. Lunars also become very aggressive as they mature. Hex tanks just don't have the footprint necessary for any of the fish you have listed.
  10. olemiss

    adding a little huma huma trigger

    trigger/puffer are going to take out your snails and hermits, what size tank, the cute little grouper will become a large fish eating machine.
  11. olemiss

    Right Salt to use?

    IMO instant ocean is one of the more consistent mixes. Levels seem to always be the same whereas when I used red sea I would get different result from bucket to bucket. If you want a higher end salt try Tropic Marin. I just switched to tropic marin based on LFS advice, mixes well, good levels...
  12. olemiss


    get the refractometer.
  13. olemiss

    Shoaling fish for a RS-FOWLR

    The blue chromis are horrible shippers with very dismal survival rates. this is why you rarely see them. My LFS won't order them anymore unless you prepay and there is no gurantee, if/when they arrive doa it's on you. Firefish will form a pair and kill off the others once they mature.
  14. olemiss

    coffee table tank

    Its a table with a tank in it? Could you post a pic. Does it use a pendant light, sump, where's the skimmer go? I'm having a hard time picturing how it works. Sound interesting but seems like it would be a maintenance nightmare from the mental picture I've made.
  15. olemiss

    why fimbies should be species only

    Originally Posted by RCreations How did you have the camera ready just as it was about to attack the tang? (1st pic) he already had it at that point, phone was in my pocket. We fed him 3 large silversides earlier in an attempt to curb his appetite. He had eaten fish before but never...
  16. olemiss

    why fimbies should be species only

    He was here and was warned.
  17. olemiss

    why fimbies should be species only

    A friends tank cracked and he needed me to house his yellow tang until the LFS opened. The eel is about 2 ft and the tang was around 3-4 in. We put him in the fimbriateds 90 figuring it had a better shot in there than with the dragon. We were wrong.
  18. olemiss

    Question about compatibility.

    Any of the bristletooth tangs would work. Just wait a few months until there is ample algae growth for it to graze.
  19. olemiss

    Dragon is finally comfy in the open

    Originally Posted by troy989 u guys think i can have one in my 90g??? just want some more options for it I keep a fimbriated in a species 90. Awesome eel that fits the tank perfectly, very aggressive eel.
  20. olemiss

    Gorilla crab? For sure?!?!?

    Porcelain crabs are about as safe as they come. I have a white one that lives in pearl bubble coral and a fairly large blue/green one. Pom pom crabs are awesome but they have a tendency to hide alot.