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  1. cartman101

    My first real fish!!!

    DrewSta, Nice looking volitan you have there, one of my favorite fish too. Is he eating good?
  2. cartman101

    Space Aquarium

    WOW. That person is rich lol. But I dont get it, where's the filtration system????
  3. cartman101

    Dark purple cyno.

    Skimmer is a turboflotor. Worked like a charm a few months ago.
  4. cartman101

    Dark purple cyno.

    Nitrates- little under 10 Nitrites & ammonia- 0 pH-8.2 Salt-1.024 My skimmer has been going out of wack lately with it not producing foam for 2 weeks and yes i did clean it.
  5. cartman101

    Dark purple cyno.

    How do i get rid of this cyno on my sand? The flow is not doing it for me. If I get some chaeto macro algae will that help alot?
  6. cartman101

    Skimmer problem.

    My turboflotor skimmer hasn't produced any foam in the last 2 weeks. I did do a good cleaning on it last sunday. Any one got any advice on what to do?
  7. cartman101

    I'm This Close To Giving Up

    I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dam overflow box water keeps riseing and lowering! CARPET WAS SOAKED TODAY! Main tank overflowed!! If ANYONE lives by brason, MO I will pay you $100 to come out and fix this dam thing.
  8. cartman101


    WOW thanks guys those are some really nice fish.
  9. cartman101

    Live Rock rubble

    Originally Posted by My Way You should never listen to Kyle and Stan, now if Chef told you to do it, it might make sense, but Chef knows that you don't need it to be out of the water and that it just needs to have a good flow of water through and across it. MMKay Yeah I dont listen to kyle, it...
  10. cartman101

    Live Rock rubble

    Does it have to be sticking out of the water? Someone told me it should in order to get rid of nitrites and ammonia.
  11. cartman101

    Live Rock rubble

    Hey, how much live rock rubble should i put in my sump?
  12. cartman101

    Dorey Fish

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang Why? shrimp can not contract or carry ick. True and a cleaner shrimp can get rid of it to.
  13. cartman101

    dragon moray

    What tank are you looking at? I hope you know that the eel you want cost more than $500. If price isn't a problem go with a nice big tank something 90gal or higher. Remember the eel will eat your fish you put it, some fish.
  14. cartman101

    any sump/fuge builders?

    Yeah its pretty easy to build one. Go out and get yourself a tank, cut some glass for baffles, glue them in and there ya go. If I can do it you can do it. But if you dont want to then ask your lfs.
  15. cartman101

    dragon moray

    ? What kind of tank setup? I dont really know what your asking But a nice 75gal with caves should be fine.
  16. cartman101


  17. cartman101


    I need a new fish . So who ever has puffers list the species and personalitly! I would really love a puffer! I was thinking about a shark egg but now I have second thoughts. I want a nice looking, fun personality, and relatively cheap puffer (under $80). I'm looking for like a Arothron dog face...
  18. cartman101

    Well I guess every good thing that happens comes with a cost?

    Well today my sump is set up and running awesome! I'm really happy. Thankyou everyone for helping me. I really want to give a big thanks to Jcrim, Scubadoo, and mitzel. But now theres a BIGGER problem....... my dog has a liver disease and the doctors dont know what it could be! And she has lumps...
  19. cartman101

    To much flow for lion?

    Ok. Now hes resting on his rock
  20. cartman101

    Walking Octopus

    OMG! That is too cool! :jumping: