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  1. sula

    Sump question

    this might help: its in the archives here...
  2. sula

    Reporting posts disabled????

    yes, I just tried to report a bad post also, something's not right...
  3. sula

    Which of these can I glue to live rock?

    Yes, sometimes I have resorted to 2 small pieces of live rock, smoosh the frag in between them and rubberband the rocks together.
  4. sula

    My Clown Bit Me!

    Has your clown possibly chosen the powerhead as it's host? It sounds like it's trying to protect it from you..... :thinking:
  5. sula

    Madison,wi Biggggggg Frag Swap

    This needs a bump :joy:
  6. sula

    FOTW suggestions

    How about: shrimp gobies sand-sifting gobies fairy wrasses
  7. sula

    Anemone In A Nano

    My clowns have chosen hairy mushrooms, green star polyps and a long-polyped toadstool as a host. All do well under PC lighting.
  8. sula

    Lifereef Prefilter box

    Originally Posted by Bojik Got pics? interested in an overflow perhaps for a small tank Same here.
  9. sula

    help with 20 gallon long please

    In a 20 gallon you can probably do without a skimmer if you are religious about your water changes. But I think you'll need more light if you want corals..Goes back to the question of what do you want to add - ?
  10. sula

    What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently

    I would have to say any question that starts with "Can I". The way I see it, there are almost no absolutes in this hobby, only odds of success. "Can I keep a mandarin in a 29g tank" - yes, one or two have done so, but hundreds have failed. So can you - yes, it is possible. Odds of success? Maybe...
  11. sula

    Any chickens for trade??????

    Originally Posted by reefn4life lol....never seen someone wanting chickens on a reefing site before Well, Chicken of the Sea maybe........ :hilarious
  12. sula

    Killer ricordia?

    got a pic?
  13. sula

    1st Time DIY Stand Pics

    Ben: what are the dimensions of that stand? You are really tempting me, I saw a similar type of stand at a going-out-of-business sale at a semi-local LFS for $100 in the size I need (60x18). I passed because I really wanted wood. But with your magnets and wood panels, I might have to look again...
  14. sula

    Bark collars

    Originally Posted by alyssia Cutting the vocal chords? :scared: That's terrible! I think this is a misconception, to my knowledge they don't actually "cut" the cords. I had to have this done to one of my dogs once, she was a non-stop barker and due to our housing situation at the time we...
  15. sula

    5 foot stand with no center leg?

    BigBen: yes I saw your thread - looks like a great stand. But I have no way of making mine out of metal. You can feel free to send that one to me if you'd like
  16. sula

    5 foot stand with no center leg?

    I need to build a 5 foot stand and would like it to have no center leg to accomodate my sump. I'm just wondering whether this will be a problem? Also, would building it using 2x4s suffice or do I need more? What I am trying to deal with is a tank with a 60x18 footprint and a sump with a 36x18...
  17. sula

    Starting Over Question

    Maybe you stirred something up when you did the water change? I think you just need to let that ammonia cycle before you add anything else...
  18. sula

    Help Help,, Anemone Help!! Emergency

    What you really need to do is cover the intake of your filter and of any powerheads in order to prevent a re-occurence with this or any other anemone.
  19. sula

    Anemone BTA Looks disgusting.

    Just wondering, are you all dropping the actual frozen cube of food into your tank? When I feed, I always thaw the cube first and then squirt it into the tank. No big chunks, everyone gets their share..
  20. sula

    Anyone use 2 return pumps?

    Cool, thanks :happyfish