Search results

  1. psychoskater

    Buying protein skimmer in south florida area

    Kool....Can you email me with details on how we can do this?
  2. psychoskater

    Buying protein skimmer in south florida area

    How much is it? Im not really looking for something that is really expensive......
  3. psychoskater

    Buying protein skimmer in south florida area

    Anyone selling a protein skimmer for 25 gal tanks in the south florida area?
  4. psychoskater

    Used Eclipse 2 hood

    how many watts
  5. psychoskater

    Brand New Eclipse 2 Hood

    I will pay 45 and shipping if you never sell one
  6. psychoskater

    o.t.:any paintballers?

    I hate angels...they seem to always im going to get a bob long intiminator 2002
  7. psychoskater

    need a little help on corals

    Hmmmmmmm.....I dont know my 5 gal with 2 watts has a piece of sokme kind of coral in it.....He isnt doing so good:( so im thinking about getting him a friend..we all need friends sometimes when we are upset:rolleyes:
  8. psychoskater

    My anenome is dying..?

    Yeah, I just flopped mine into the tank when i got it. He didnt look good but in like a month he looked great. And its been like a year and hes doing great.
  9. psychoskater

    how to catch a tang?

    If you absolutley go crazy just get 8lb test fishing line, a panfish hook, and put a little piece of shrimp on it. Just lower it in the tank and fish for him! lol:D
  10. psychoskater

    Male and Female Percs

    Can anyone tell me the difference between a male perc and a female perc? like maybe even show me a pic of a male and female? Thanks
  11. psychoskater

    Starting an aquarium

    My 55 is salt....of coarse;)
  12. psychoskater

    Starting an aquarium

    Hey everyone, Im new to this messageboard but this is the coolest one ive seen.:D I have had a 55 galon aquarium for about 2 years and now I think i want to set another one up in my room. It is a 30 gallon tall and it has a carbon filter. I was planning on biulding a light hood for it. I wanted...
  13. psychoskater

    Clown Acclimation To Anemone/Coral?

    I was on the internet looking for information on that and I came across some marine biologist site. It said that clown fish move around in anemones a lot and get the anemones slime on them. When they get the slime the anemone doesnt even notice them. Im not sure if this is true or not.... But i...
  14. psychoskater

    yellow tang eating cleaner shrimp

    I dont think putting a yellow tang with shrimp is a good idea because they are basicely not compatible, but im not sure if putting the tang in again as a new fish will make him not notice the shrimp in the tank.
  15. psychoskater

    really would like a shark egg

    I know a great site that sells them but you have to pay $25 shipping:mad: That part sucks Email me if you want it