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  1. hatessushi

    how bad is bubble algea?

    After about 4 months I removed my bubble algea by hand. I also had 4 emerald crabs. I posted on this board about my emeralds not eating the bubble algea. It turned out that although the emerald crabs will eat bubble algea it's not big on their menu. They will eat it if there is very little or...
  2. hatessushi

    clown attacking coral beauty

    I have a maroon clown which is more agressive then the other clowns. He hosts a GSP and when others came around at first he would attack or run them off including the coral beauty. After I put in a trigger he went after him and attacked. The trigger stayed away from the clowns host. Now the...
  3. hatessushi

    Is this a sea creature from the deep?

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 Then I'd be inclined to say that it's certainly some type of worm or nudibranch. That's what I was thinking. Some kind of nudibranch. I had a few red and white ones that came with my LR.
  4. hatessushi

    UV Sterilizers

    If you read my post above it is a pretty good case for using UV and I can prove what I am saying. You can come over and I will show you the difference in my swimming pool although it will take a few days to show you. It works the same way in my fish tank. I removed my UV almost a week ago...
  5. hatessushi

    heater question

    A working 300w swhould heat a 75gallon just fine. I have a 90 with a 300w and have no problems. I your heater is not functioning properly then remove it and get 2x150w.
  6. hatessushi

    Whatever happened to UGF's?

    UGF's are detritus and nitrate traps. A tank set up to optimal filtration will have a protein skimmer and live rock (about 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon). Also presenting the tank with detritus eaters and sand shifters or sifters rather then UGF's.
  7. hatessushi

    Calling all Tang experts!

    Latin Name Ctenochaetus nigrofuscus Common Name Lavender Tang Also known as Palani Tang, Brown Tang, Fast Facts: This species is brownish- lavender overall with orange spots on its head and "chest" and fine bluish gray lines on the sides of the body. Although not chromatically spectacular...
  8. hatessushi

    Will he stop!

    Originally Posted by newtankman This thing is a nightmare. He has not stopped moving sand, It is like he has been to starbucks one to many times. I am about to go fishing!!!! I have a Diamond goby (similar to engineer) and he does the same thing. I have hills everywhere. I may not like...
  9. hatessushi

    How dangerous is .25 ppm ammonia?

    It's hard to say wether the grouper will survive or not. Ammonia is toxic and will kill fish. You need to get the ammonia down as quickly as possible. Try a 40-50% water change.
  10. hatessushi

    Haven't seen this question before

    the way you describe that LFS it sounds like they don't take care of their tanks. I wouldn't buy from them at all.
  11. hatessushi

    Huma trigger 'stretching'

    Originally Posted by Jam1e it's to show that he's the boss and to show that he can't be eaten becuase he looks bigger Not only does he look bigger but he is bigger. In my tank he is not the boss, the boss is the 1.5 inch Maroon clown. No one, not even the trigger messes with her and he stays...
  12. hatessushi

    Green Brittle Star

    Originally Posted by canesfan At my LFS a green brittle star wrapped itself around a dwarf lion and the lion was dead. Who knew Did it wrap around the lion when the lion was still alive or already dead.
  13. hatessushi

    Huma trigger 'stretching'

    I have a Hawaiian trigger and he does it all the time. I notice it most when he's going for food and others are close by also when I put nori in the tank. It may be some kind of warning or excitement when others get close or he is startled. Also his tail fin straightens out. I am also training...
  14. hatessushi

    Red dots,tennis ball colored LR

    It's probably coraline algea which is good, the more the better. Do you have pictures you can post?
  15. hatessushi

    Can i put a kole tang with these tankmates?

    Without a Kole Tang you are probably at your limit. If you leave off the foxface you could put the Kole in there.
  16. hatessushi

    Making sure my Fish list and Aquascaping is ok! Pics included.

    Originally Posted by Beatlesfan Equipment: 125G Glass Tank Aquaclear 150 Pro Wet/Dry filter with skimmer Wave2k Around 4000GPH Duel 36W lighting (will up-grade before getting any corals/anenomes) Rock/Sand: 160 BR Enoguh sand to make a 5-7" sand bed going to get another 45-50lbs LR for the...
  17. hatessushi

    Running carbon or not?

    If you are trying to get rid of nitrates by using carbon, that's won't work. Lower nitrates by water changes or get DeNitrifier which IMO work great. Carbon will just remove chemicals, clarify water and should only be run about 1 week a month, some run it more but it will strip water of...
  18. hatessushi

    Salt Question

    I started with Oceanic and switched to Tropic Marin Pro Reef and found the same issues only it cost more. Calcium to high, Alk to low. After this bucket of TM pro reef is gone I am getting Reef Crystals to see if that is any better but at least it is way cheaper.
  19. hatessushi

    Acrylic cleaning advise?

    Originally Posted by shogun323 My LFS uses the strongest Mag Float and places an acrylic scrubbing pad between the inside half and the acrylic. Seems to work well for them. That is a good idea, I will try that as well My tank sits on a Wine Server that is about 4 ft high so I have to use...
  20. hatessushi

    pH Problems

    Ocean water runs anywhere from 7.8pH in the open ocean to 8.3ph in reef areas. As long as your pH is stable I wouldn't worry about it unless it runs for sure below 7.8 and for sure above 8.3. I say "for sure" because I have a digital meter that I calibrated 3 times 2 days ago and consistently...