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  1. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko I am surprised you found Interceptor at the pet store, I thought it was by prescription only from the vet? That do major tank maintenance throught the state of Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, so they have some on had that they got from a vet in Idaho. I promise its...
  2. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy You, your wife and family will always be in my prayers. Here's to an great 2012 that will lead to many improvements in her health. Much appreciated.... And I'm up for the toast! Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 + 1million !
  3. jerth6932

    ATI Sunpower came in

    light is looking good! Tanks looking awesome too. Those will rock that tank for ya!!! Quote: My wife wants me to move the tank now so she can see the TV better. .... just keep in mind its lighter work load to move her........
  4. jerth6932

    ATI Sunpower came in

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef PICTURES!!! we like pictures :-) yup!!!
  5. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Well I am on board for this hope and wishes! She really needs it!!!
  6. jerth6932

    Monti Cap Question

    Quote: Originally Posted by Childress5tyler It doesn't have that much polyp extension yet but again, I just got it today And I'll probably just take a couple days off from dosing to get my levels down a bit That is the best way to do it as your corals will consume it for you!
  7. jerth6932

    Monti Cap Question

    Levels are a touch high, but not bad as you know. Cree LED's are the best ones out there, but I don't know what kind of spread you will get out of only 6 of them, as I don't know their reflector angle. Hopefully the blues will suppliment them well. Are they programable lights...
  8. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by luvmyreef Yes, I have done this before. The carbon will remove it. It does not harm anything else except crabs, shrimp, pods. I have an anemone, and lots of corals. They and the fish did great. If it makes you feel better, you can do a 25% water change too. But...
  9. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by luvmyreef Treat the tank once a week for 3 weeks. Run carbon after each treatment (12hrs) and resume skimming if you have a skimmer. Remove all shrimp and crabs before treatment. It might kill off some pods too, but some will make it. It is a good med to have around...
  10. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Her maiden name isn't Murphy is it? Keep smiling and hang in there. We do...... and no, it's not.
  11. jerth6932

    Monti Cap Question

    Quote: Originally Posted by Childress5tyler Like I said, I'm new to SPS but I'm seeing some nice bumps on the monti cap...are these the polyps? (probably sound stupid with that question) The unasked question is the STUPID one...... Believe me..... But while looking at it in person, it seems to...
  12. jerth6932

    Advice needed for babysitting a 2 year old :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy I think running is good advice at this point. My sister told me she would like me to have her potty trained!!!!!! That ain't happening. It didn't come with a destruction Manuel? That's a heck of a thing to pass on to you, and you can't even use the cheerio...
  13. jerth6932

    Monti Cap Question

    As the picture is blurry, I can't tell from your picture. But mine will get a lighter rim as it grows. How is it's polyp extention? Do you see polyps on it?
  14. jerth6932

    Rhodactis Mushroom

    Quote: Originally Posted by Childress5tyler Thanks how big is yours and does it ever split? This one split off of one that was about 5 inches across I have had orange, purple and green rodactus, as they are my favorite mushrooms. They do split, and if they can get ahold of food in the water...
  15. jerth6932

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    With that tank.... I'm still looking forward to seeing you swimming with the fishes...... Why did that sound mob like???? Glad to see it becoming a reality for you!!!!
  16. jerth6932


    Quote: Originally Posted by Katielynn87 Hey there! I am not sure if there are any threads in this but I need a quick answer so I don't have time to look right now. Are bristleworms pink on the ends and brown in the middle? or are those fireworms? I've got quite a few in my tank, with no fish...
  17. jerth6932

    coraline algie

    Quote: Originally Posted by stevewieters Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes, My calcium levels are 440, and I add "purple-up" once every few days. I add all the stuff for reef tanks. Someone said I should have it growing all over the place by now. I must be missing something- a test, or missing...
  18. jerth6932

    coraline algie

    Welcome, glad to have ya abord to!! Couple of things, do you have any at all in your tank (if not, its like any other algae, you have to have it to get it/get more of it)? If you do then you just need to make sure you alk/Calcium levels are good. Those are the keys. Alk levels:8-12...
  19. jerth6932

    Another ER visit down.... HOW MANY MORE?

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 Jerth, is everything alright? I am getting very concerned.... Well.... no..... Quote: Originally Posted by Slice Thanks for bumping this thread again. Its been nearly a week since Jerth has logged in. Lets hope he does soon with great news. I appreciate...
  20. jerth6932

    Jerth6932's 90 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Just out of curiosity.....the pinkish sps in the back.....why don't you cut off the branch's that are rtn'ing? ( or whatever the other word is) So meowzer, I finally got enough brains to ask my LFS about what could be causing this problem with my Red...